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 What did you want to be when you were growing up? (11)

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Saurbaby(5502) pic

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

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3 points

I wanted to be a social worker and then got in the field and decided no I don't!

2 points

Yeah, I would never even think about going into social services. I couldn't handle it at all. XD

A pilot .

2 points

A veterinarian .

1 point

I grew up wanting to be an administrator on

1 point

I really didn't want to be anything... I don't want to work and I'm not even a liberal.

1 point

A ninja. To my utter disappointment, I was informed that I could not become a ninja.

1 point

XD I'm sorry, maybe you should just be one anyway? .

1 point

I (in all honesty) wanted to be either a princess or a train conducter........................................................................................................................................................................

I wanted to be an author and I've always wanted to be a mom. A better one than mine ever was. Yes, I know that makes me a dork.

I wanted to be a doctor. I would stay up watching "Medic" when I was a kid and aspired to be a doctor.