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 What exactly is "black culture"? (110)

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Enlightened1(212) pic

What exactly is "black culture"?

It's Kwaanza, a holiday for celebrating black culture, but what exactly *is* black culture? Car-jackings and raping white women? Strolling around glassy-eyed with your pants hanging below your buttcheeks and mumbling incoherently? Killing a 40 oz. malt liquor and smoking a blunt with your homies? Is is listening to boom boom boom jungle music with depraved lyrics? How about starting riots and burning down your own neighborhood? How about knocking up women all over town and letting the government raise them because you "don't like rubbers"? Is it having flashy rims on your peice of shit car? How about blaming white folks for racism because you don't have a job when the real reason no one hires you is that your attitude sucks and you talk like a foreigner with a mouth full of shit? What exactly *is* black culture?

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8 points

sarcastic gasp Oh, no. The skinheaded troll is back. Well, it was nice while it lasted.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
Smile(18) Banned
7 points

Yeah. But seriously, doesn't this kid have anything better to do than rip on African Americans over the internet? It seems pretty pathetic.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
5 points

It is pathetic. He probably only does it online because he knows he'll get his ass kicked if he does it in public.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
-2 points
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
5 points

Considering that such "black communities" had to survive on the table scraps of white communities, does this violence and poverty really surprise you? Where ever poverty is found, crime is not far behind. Considering that blacks have for the longest time been denied the same job opportunities, and educational opportunities, it is no wonder black "communities" are poverty stricken and crime stricken.

The most astounding fact in all of this is this bigotry is self-fulfilling. They created the conditions, in which they use as justification for their own prejudice.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
8 points

Car-jackings and raping white women?

You mean like how white men beat up Black people.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
0 points

Sorry, you must have a minimum IQ of 60 to post on my debates. You're banned.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
TheAnarchy(41) Disputed Banned
8 points

"Sorry, you must have a minimum IQ of 60 to post on my debates."

Then why are you here?

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
Smile(18) Disputed Banned
8 points

Why am I not surprised that you banned somebody simply because they said something you didn't like? You must possess a very primitive thinking process.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
5 points

Typical extremist logic: "Everyone is wrong but me." What the hell is the kid even doing on this site anyway? Surely he must have a life outside of bashing African-Americans over the internet.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
3 points

American culture is interchangeable with black culture. Jazz, Blues, and all derivatives, peanut butter, stop lights, open-heart surgery...

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
4 points

I would say that "American Culture", as you put it, is the overall hybrid of the cultures and customs of the many different people that make up this great country. European-Americans (whites or "Caucasians"), Asian-Americans, South Americans, Mexicans, African-Americans, anybody who's here really.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
3 points

American culture is interchangeable with black culture.

As I understand it, American culture is an amalgamation of many different cultural influences. In fact, I would go as far to say that there is no American Culture per se, as many ethnic groups live very different lives to others, though they may be part of one nation. For example, the archetypal white picket fences, wooden frame houses, newspaper delivery boys etc of suburbia for which the United States is so famous are not an accurate representation of the whole population. To say that the culture an Ethnic group which accounts for 13.8% of the population is interchangeable with the nation's culture as a whole is ludicrous.

peanut butter

The invention of peanut butter by a black man (I have myself found no information regarding his race, merely his name - Marcellus Gilmore Edson -, but that is neither here nor there) is irrelevant. By such logic I could argue that English Culture is therefore interchangeable with American culture by virtue of the latter's use of the computer. As aforesaid, such logic is nonsensical.

stop lights, open-heart surgery...

I was unaware that stop lights and open heart surgery were linked to American culture.

Side: A bone to pick
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
1 point

As you had pointed out, most all of American culture was adopted from several cultures early immigrants brought with them, and as such the exception would be the black culture which manifested in America as music such as Blues, Jazz, and later Rap. I brought up inventions, if for nothing else, to attack enightened1's resentment toward blacks, which was all too apparent. It was irrelevant, yet I'd sooner honor peanut butter, traffic lights, and open-heart surgery as American culture over Globalization, mass-hyperbole, and American Idol.

Side: A bone to pick
ryuukyuzo(641) Disputed
0 points

Actually, most alleged "black" inventions are just myth. =/

Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."

Side: A bone to pick
-3 points
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
4 points

He'll, I'm celebrating peanut butter right now.

Side: A bone to pick
1 point

Some one has to admit the media is to blame at least in part for this stereotyping,lyrics in hip hop culture denigrating women,pro violence and crime stats dont exactly help your case,my brother, lol

Side: A bone to pick
-2 points
-2 points
ThePotatoman(171) Disputed Banned
6 points

Your saying that you are a gentleman and a scholar... That is honestly one of the funniest and dumbest statements I have ever seen. In fact, the entire internet is dumber, for just having you say that. May God have mercy on your soul.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
TheAnarchy(41) Disputed Banned
4 points

See, skinhead? Everybody can see what an intolerant, simple-minded hypocrite you are. Looks like you're the only one here who's capable of putting their head that far up their own ass.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
-2 points
TheAnarchy(41) Disputed Banned
4 points

Awww, can't handle losing, can you? Get over it. Everybody else here can see what kind of person you are and in case you're unaware: People like you are happily shunned by the rest of society. You're going to grow old, alone. And you're going to die, alone. (Unless you aren't killed for your beliefs first)

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
1 point

All you guys can do is attack me personally. Not one person has attempted to refute anything I have said in this debate.

The reason no one attempted to refute what you've said in that paragraph is because it is a bulging list of insults.

Here is the result. You insult someone, someone will insult you back. It is just like that. And you know what? The attacks that you will receive will be as unsupported and "retarded" as your initial attack.

So, here is my response to what you've said: Do some research Kwanzaa, if you really want to know what black culture is.

But I don't think you really want to know. You didn't created this debate so that someone can tell you what black culture is.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead
-3 points
-3 points
TheAnarchy(41) Disputed Banned
5 points

I should've expected some form of white supremacist propaganda on your part. Is this really the best you can do? It's obvious that you have no real argument. There's no point for you to keep this up. You've already lost.

Side: Enlightened1 is a Skinhead