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 What if the Huble telescope were to capture God's shadow? (7)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

What if the Huble telescope were to capture God's shadow?


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2 points

Why would God cast a shadow? What is the shadow being cast on? And what is the light source which is casting the shadow? And why is God made of matter? And how does God fit into the universe?

You are taking this debate way too seriously ;)

I would probably be a little creepy ;)

1 point

Then I would laugh and say "Even God can't hide from science!"

1 point

I don't know but you just gave me an idea for a story i've been working on. Thanks, man. That would be epic, regardless of beliefs in this or that.

Make sure you credit me in your book ;)

1 point

How wouls you know it's God's shadow? It could be Xenu's.