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 What is Your Favourite Champion on League of Legends (8)

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Dremorius(861) pic

What is Your Favourite Champion on League of Legends

Mine is Fiddlesticks (the scarecrow guy.)

Succeeding early in the start is key to victory, especially by feeding early with drain. Since Fidd's drain is shockingly OP against all other Champion abilities early game, I manage to get those first few kills, by flashing from the bushes, fearing them, then draining them incessantly until they die. Crowstorm+Darkwind+Fear+Drain is one of the best ability combos out there, especially when Crowstorming them from behind a wall or from the bushes.

I play him mid/jungle for maximum efficiency, and to avoid ganks, due to fidd's ultra squishy-ness, and to get those few more levels above everyone else.

I would I like to add any fellow LoL players on here, but I highly doubt that much of the people from this kind of site even know of such a game.

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1 point

My favorite League of Legends character for right now is Ashne or the arrow girl in the game. I like her so far but I don't enough IP or RP to purchase any good characters.

1 point

My favorite champion in the League of Legends is Ahri because she is a very good mid-lane champion with a lot of good CC and assassin based skills and it is a shame that not many people pick in the LCS as of now. I like her also because of the fact that she is the prettiest champion in the game and I am indeed sure no one will disagree.

League of legends is a gay dota rip off for 12 year olds. Dota 2 is where it's at. The REAL moba for REAL gamers. Favorite hero now is Mirana. Bitch kicks ass

thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

"REAL gamers" do not play mobas, "real" or otherwise.


1 point

The main founder of Riot games (and therefor LoL) was on the team that made Dota.

Cynical(1948) Disputed
1 point

...Except that League of Legends was created before Dota 2, haha. Still though, I do think Dota 2 is better.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

When your constipated there's always painful squeezing, panting, and agony before a blissful release and a peacefull, relaxing experience. First doesnt mean better.

AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
1 point

Also dota 1 came out far before league. Then league hopped on that shit and copied/ruined it, then dota 2 dropped the hammer.