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 What is the best religion?_? (17)

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agomez2(18) pic

What is the best religion?_?

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3 points


I have more respect for people who can act in a "moral" good-for-the-whole manner without threat of eternal hellfire or delusion of infinite life.

But within the scope of religion, some type of Buddhist all paths to god kind of thing. It's so much nicer than all the Judeo-Christian religions out there.

But it depends what you mean by best.

Like, best in bed seems to be those alt-religion chicks, wiccan and whatever because they're usually a little crazy, that crazy usually makes them impossible to be around for any length of time though.

Best as in most fun, probably some form of satanism where you just do whatever you want -- though satanist is usually just protesting atheist.

Best as in would be hillarious, is if people still worshipped Zeus or something... I'd even consider joining that one just for fun.

Best as in funniest is the Flying Speghetti Monster thing. Clever funny, not like Christian Scientist funny.

None, they all suck equally ;)

What he said.


I get how alot of people could hate organized religion... but what about the jedi religion?

Either way may the force be with you bro.

Side: Jedi
TheBatman(46) Disputed
1 point

It's strange that you say all religions suck equally even though you are religious. So are you saying that your religion sucks? If that's the case then why do you follow it?

Side: Jedi
1 point

Because Satanism isn't a religion, it's a philosophy.

Side: Jedi
The Phantom(450) Disputed
1 point

Even satanism??? O.o...........................................

Side: Jedi
1 point

Satanism isn't a religion, it's a philosophy.

Side: Jedi
2 points

Frisbeetarianism: It is the belief that when you die your soul goes on the roof and gets stuck.

Side: Frisbeetarianism

What works for one person may not work for another to say that one (religion) is better than another or that some should not exist is to dismiss, discredit or impede on another persons possible enlightenment. Not that religion is necessary for enlightenment or even good for it (my opinion) didn't Jesus himself say "the kingdom of God is within you". We dint need religion the week and egotistical part of us wants the acceptance and encouragement religion gives us but we don't need it.

Side: Frisbeetarianism
1 point

Any religion that empowers one to have a positive outlook to life and therapeutic effect to one's self, as long as it does not discriminate others and never tries to explain the world without evidence.

Side: Frisbeetarianism

The best religion is the one that a believer feels most comfortable with.

Side: Frisbeetarianism