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 What is the most effective method of curing poverty? (30)

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AngeloDeOrva(298) pic

What is the most effective method of curing poverty?

poverty social welfare help humanity
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9 points

Simply Put: The most effective way to end poverty for youth is through education. For adults, the end to povery is through micro-enterprise loans. Muhammad Yunus proved this in his book "Banker to the Poor". The concept is to loan poor people money, promote financial principles to live by, and they will help themselves. It is an inspiring book. Interesting, too, because 95% of the people loaned money through Grameen Bank are woman and the loan repayment is almost 100%. Too bad the rest of the world doesn't recognize the vital role and potential of women in this world.

1 point

I couldn't agree more. Education is the most effective means, and microloans are certainly great for adults. Kiva allows you to contribute to entrepreneurs around the globe (third world AND developed). Loan repayments will come to you in about 12 months, and when paid back, you can loan to someone else in need if you like. It also lets you pick who you'd like to support. Financial stability and independence are key, and education can certainly pave the road.

Side: Education and Stability

Poverty is a complicated problem and it demands a thorough and complex solution.

I believe we can eliminate poverty in this country (the United States) and others by following a comprehensive planned aimed at instituting and improving the following:



Income Equality

Mental Healthcare

Progressive Drug Policies

Racial/gender/ethnic/nationality/sexuality Equality


Universal, free education should be provided for children and adults from pre-school to college. Anyone who wants to attend a university should be given the funds to do so (though colleges have every right to be selective). We are entering into a new era of technology and industrial/service development, anyone without a good education will find it nearly impossible to progress up the social and economic ladder.

We also don't need people who are supposed to be learning valuable skills distracted by their escalating debt, having to work a job (and in some cases raise children) while studying for exams, writing papers, and doing research. We need to give single mothers and fathers, your typical college youngster, and older adults every opportunity to advance their knowledge and skill.

We've already seen, in nations such as Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan what a highly educated society can do in terms of economic growth and development. These tiny islands, city-states, and peninsulas are far more productive and prosperous than some of the largest nations populating this world.


It is the greatest source of bankruptcy in the United States. Poor health contributes to a decline in workforce productivity and costs individuals and societies greatly. Full, free healthcare services for all allows the kind of preventative care that can significantly drop healthcare costs in general (even lower than non-socialized healthcare systems) and create a workforce that is happy and healthy, allowing them to create, build, discover, invent, research, develop, and buy. For you capitalists I provide this helpful saying: a dead citizen is a dead consumer.

Income Equality amounts to a dramatic decrease in poverty and a dramatic increase in consumer demand. When wealth is highly concentrated it doesn't get spent, a man or woman can only buy so much. Even though such hoarded wealth is typically resting inside banks, which try to invest such capital, there is no reason to invest when the demand isn't there.

When wealth distribution programs such as progressive taxes, welfare, government programs, projects, and services, and government grants, non-interest loans, and investing are allowed to do their job consumers, the average person, will see their pockets swell (which will then go back into tills and vaults of businesses around the country).

Mental Healthcare:

This is the same for physical care, only the effects of improper mental healthcare structures are not well known. What is known is that people with mental disorders are not productive, or happy. The impoverished and homeless have high rates of mental disorder, in many cases someone with severe mental illness will find themselves out on the streets due to the lack of friends and family able or willing to care for them.

Those with less severe mental disorders are still disadvantaged when it comes to the economic sphere; they find operating in rigid structures with people who are not understanding of their affliction or difference difficult if not impossible.

Progressive Drug Policies:

Large numbers of people are thrown into jails for what is essentially a victim-less crime. With drug crimes on their record (especially for the hard drugs) finding a good job, getting government loans to enter college, finding a college that will accept you..etc..etc...becomes much more difficult.

Of course, hard-users find themselves at the mercy of an addiction that consumes their life. They can't hold down much, if any work. Without proper rehabilitative services these people will be locked in a state of substance abuse and poverty.

General Equality:

There are millions of people with ideas that will bring themselves, their communities, and their families out of poverty. The brilliance and ingenuity of these people would not only enrich themselves but the entire country (the world, perhaps). The next Einstein, Edison, Roosevelt, or Madam Curie could be found in the ghettos and inner cities of the United States. The cure for cancer could be in the hands of a young black girl, or a Latino boy. A homosexual might have the right mind to lead armies into victorious battle; a girl might have within her the power to bring us bases on Mars.

We lock these people into poverty and ourselves into economic and scientific darkness by keeping certain groups of people oppresses, suppressed, and isolated.

I know that was long, sorry for that. I hope some of my argument was helpful and will bring about a fairly lively debate.

Side: Education and Stability
4 points

I couldn't have said it better. Every point you make is correct.

While i feel that education, equality and health are the major causes of poverty everything else makes perfect sense and i agree that a conviction of drug use is basically the kiss of death for employment.

Great argument about a very important issue that faces and effects all human kind.

Side: Education and Stability

Yes, that is the most effective way, but to me it seems unrealistic. People always want to be better than someone else, even the poor ones, so i don't know how universal, free, quality education will be provided when parents want to 'one up' each other. Also, in relation to Japanese example, it's hardly a a small island, and boasts some of the most fertile regions on earth. South Korea's land is comparably bigger than England, and those Brits once controlled 60% of the world's inhabitable landmass. There was also handed a huge bailout by the world bank recently, with speculations around the $55 billion mark, and the SK was site of major derogation of economic sovereignty in 1997, when the technology bubble burst, and the Won was devalued to a point where it was cheaper to buy whole, established, networked Korean companies complete with brand recognition, manufacturing capabilities, distribution points and personel, than to acutally buy a factory in America. Taiwan in the modern sense is beginning to loose ground, failing to wield it's deteriorating diplomatic strength or continue it's exponential growth. Singapore seems the last remaining true city state that continues to prosper, however in a sense, it really isn't a city state, economically controlling much of the Malaysian hinterland as well as influencing Indonesian markets.

Otherwise, that's a pretty comprehensive plan

Side: Education and Stability
dcovan(170) Disputed
1 point

What is poverty?Is there a certain amount of money made or is it a lifestyle?Public education is a joke.Do you have kids in public school?If you do then you know about milestones and benchmarks set.It means if you are in first grade you must be able to read and recognize certain words or letters.Which is good unless you can do it by kindergarten which in that case you have to ho over the same stuff until all the kids in class get it."no child left behind" right. Healthcare I love the wealth distrubition phrase.Sounds better than stealing peoples earned wealth to pay for someone else.National healthcare will never work.The main reason is our great founding fathers made it almost impossible.This nation was never meant to be a nanny state and it never will be.To much money to many laws and to many people wanting to stay free.If the government started paying for healthcare how long would it be before they got into our medical charts. Progressive drug laws.You mean no drug laws?Victimless crimes?Try having a mom hooked on drugs then you call it victimless! Equality is the one thing this country gives everyone.Coming from the bottom up in one generation is rare and shouldnt be considered the norm.If people werent concerned with all the material items they desired and focused on their families and making their family better then we could start looking for answers.Untill then all the welfare and free anything you give will not be used for its intended purpose. "We lock people into poverty" that is a lie!

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

I couldn't have said it better myself, you made great points. I believe as a whole we could change this major problem.

Side: Education and Stability
4 points

To destroy poverty you must destroy the roots of poverty. The cause of poverty is fundamentally a problem of capitalism in it's defining characteristic of the extraction of surplus-value from labour.

Today we have embodied in society the means to end poverty, we have the contradiction of private property, of capitalism, in the modern proletariat.

Modern society is like no other. We have industry on a scale sufficient to satisfy the needs of all those in poverty, we have enough agricultural product to satisfy every hungry mouth. Why do we have poverty? Capitalism, the mindless search for profits overriding real human needs.

The destruction of capitalism is the destruction of poverty

(If anyone says "Communism is poverty" you are a moron, read Marx you philistine)

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

I'm glad that someone else can see that capitalism is a major cause of poverty. However if you look other non-capitalistic nations they also have poverty so it isn't the only cause.

but capitalism can't survive without the poor so as long as we are capitalistic we will have poverty.

Your points about communism are also good, i wish other people actually read communist and socialist ideas before they judge it based on infomation they get from capitalists or anti-communists/anti-socialists.

Side: Education and Stability
0 points

I don't think I can endorse communism, but I agree that capitalism in it's present form does create poverty. It's not a coincidence that some of the wealthiest industrial areas on earth are surrounded by slums. They thrive on cheap, available labor.

I don't know much about the micro-loans, but I've heard of them and they seem entirely positive.

Side: Education and Stability

Perhaps it isn't as impossible as some people think, here's a rather interesting article:

Side: Education and Stability
3 points

Women's suffrage.

Increasing the rights of women in impoverished regions has historically preceded the most radical changes in the median economic status of the general population.

This doesn't just depend on their legal status, but also their perceived status culturally.

Side: Education and Stability
3 points

Poverty is a measure of the ability of a social infrastructure (social wealth) to provide for the needs (and less so, desires) of a population. So the simple math becomes something "Wealth divided by Population". This gives us two things to change to cure poverty:

1) Increase Social Wealth. More technological infrastructure means a better ability to create food and shelter, or to decrease the costs of these. Education increases a society's ability to do the same. Other factors include things like social stability (ability to pursue freedom / happiness versus various fears), raw resources (technology can increase the efficiencies and find new alternatives), and so on.

2) Decrease Population. No, not shooting people (that causes social instability and fear): ubiquitous, cheap and easy to use contraception.

Side: Education and Stability
2 points

The most effective method of curing poverty would be to change the mindset of those who thing it is possible to cure it with a single method.

Poverty exists for many reasons and simplistic dreaming is not going to end it.

Some reasons are political. Some are economic. Some are academic. Some are psychological. The list goes on, is long, and the problem is like a Gordian knot. No single sword is going to cleave it.

But a good start would be simply to admit this is the case and admit as well that the causes rest just as much in the choices and behaviors of the poverty-stricken as in the choices and behaviors of those who make money, succeed, or gain from the presence of poverty.

Thus, the most effective method of curing poverty is thinking... because until everyone accepts this is the case, no other method will work.

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

Removal of an economy and ultimately a culture that rewards self interest "Capitalism", and I'm not talking about replacing it with Communism.

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

Redistribute the wealth every 10 years.

Side: Education and Stability
xaeon(1095) Disputed
3 points

That would absolutely ruin society.

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

End corruption in governments so countries can enjoy the riches provided by their resources.

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

The most effective way to end poverty, strictly speaking, would be to erase all records of the concept from our society. Eliminate the word. Change news articles and media to reflect the new paradigm. Within a generation people will forget the concept.

Oh, the practical and applicable things one can learn from 1984!

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

Reduce taxation on all people, rich and poor. The impoverished shall lose less money to the government, giving them more of a means in which to live, whereas the wealthy, without their money going to the government, will be able to afford to hire more employees (ie. the poor) which shall help them in the long run.

Also, deregulate the start up of small businesses which are the backbone of America and capitalism. More people will be their own bosses and make a name for themselves, all the while hiring even more people to work for them.

Side: Education and Stability

Benjamin Franklin said "make them miserable in their poverty". They will get out of it.

I have worked many part time jobs along side my full time job, I even worked 2 full time jobs before. If a person cares about their family they do what it takes. If you search hard enough you can find work, it may take a while, but it is out there.

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

What is the most effective method of curing poverty?

Proper education about the American "Game".

There are many, varied paths to earning a solid income within a relatively short time-frame, with some reasonably strong work and effort applied. The largest problem is rampant misinformation, ignorance, ect. that makes it seem as though there is something very difficult and/or complicated about "making it" in America--there is not. Although one may very likely have rough patches here and there (particularly when one is young & still establishing yourself). If Adults by and large were not incompetent, and had some reasonable wisdom to pass on to the next generation, then this simply would be the problem that it is--and then those children tend to grow up & repeat the cycle.

Childhood abuse & miseducation are amongst the leading impediments to progress on this front

Side: Education and Stability
gustavv(47) Banned
0 points


Side: Education and Stability
-1 points

Personal responsibility.BOOM That easy

Side: Education and Stability
THEDert(228) Banned
-4 points
-5 points
1 point

The most effective way to end poverty is to kill them. I mean, it's not like anyone is going to miss them. We sure as hell don't need them because they are not productive and they seem to suck up our resources in the form of welfare. We may be able to recycle them somehow; as organ donors or something. Besides, you start killing enough of them and the others will find work almost immediately. It may not be the cleanest solution but we should at least give it a try. I mean, if you're reading this you're probably not poor so what the hell do you care?

Wow, Joe. Just wow. That was your sense of humor only 1250 days ago!?

Side: Education and Stability
1 point

dude that is messed up they are not animals they are human beings with souls and men cannot be killed just because they cant find work

Side: education help and grace