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 What makes someone smart? (21)

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What makes someone smart?

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4 points

Ability to solve complex problems .

2 points

Is this the only factor? Jus solving the problems? What about discovering the problems themselves?

Nebeling(1117) Disputed
2 points

One could argue that it is a problem, not to know what the problem is. Discovering the problem would then still be under the umbrella term of complex problem solving.

Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

How complex? Where do the problems come from.

Were the people of 1000 ears ago not smart because they couldn't solve the problems we have answers for now?

Is this generation not smart because there will be problems we can't solve in the future, or because we have some we can't solve now, but probably will in the future?

Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

There always were complex problems and will be. If you cannot even see them you aren't likely to solve them.

2 points

A will to learn.

1 point

There knowledge of a vast amount of things.

1 point

Well genetics plays a role, besides that embracing reason and logic, learn to be open minded (freethinker) question "Everything" learn to accept the truth even if it goes against you own interest, try to think out side the box or social norm.

Ways to help sharpen your logic and reasoning.

1.Learn to play games "Chess", helps teach the brain to recognize patterns & techniques also helps sharpen critical thinking.

2.Learn "Science" and how and what it is, all science really but mainly learn quantum physics, astro-physics, at least the elementary version, science is key here, the more you know about how and what the universe is made of and how it works the better you become as seeing things within reason.

3.Learn "History", lots and lots of history, only with our past do we know where we are going.

4.Sub to netflix and watch all 700+ episodes of Star Trek lol. (optional)

Nebeling(1117) Clarified
1 point

I think you are spot on with open minded, unbiased and creative thought.

I would like to add, though, that I think proper dealing with empirical evidence (i.e both descriptive and inferential statistics) is the fourth foundational requisite for sharp reasoning after your first three.

In the world we live in, just one thing makes some one smart. How much money they have. I didn't make the rules, I just live by them.

“A poor man wise is like a sacred book that’s never read. To himself he lives, to all others seems died. This age thinks more of a gilded fool, than a thread bare saint in wisdom’s school.” Thomas Dekker

Its not really in the IQ, its all in how useful you can be to the society.

1 point

Ability to solve complex tasks by means of effectively gathering and securing information while steadily balancing multiple variables. It's often associated with the ability to adapt to and understand the causes of change in order to do most amount of work with the least amount of energy wasted. But I guess that would be to grossly neglect 'social smartness'

Their brain.

Someone's ability to learn from a given situation multiplied by their exposure to situations (minus any retention loss over time).