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Ebola..... duh ISIS is a crisis
Debate Score:29
Total Votes:29
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 Ebola..... duh (13)
 ISIS is a crisis (15)

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Hellno(17724) pic

What's a Bigger Threat to America? Ebola or ISIS

Actually, this was just kinda a joke, but as you can see... we have some losers debating it. Wink

Ebola..... duh

Side Score: 14

ISIS is a crisis

Side Score: 15
2 points

Ebola is a disease and can spread really fast... if all countries are Ebola effected there would be no ISIS and no soldiers to fight against them.

Side: Ebola..... duh
TheBayTore(53) Disputed
1 point

The question asks which is a bigger threat to America. There are a negligible number cases of Ebola in USA whereas Islamist fundamentalists attacking USA has been far more common.

Side: ISIS is a crisis
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

How many times has the USA been attacked my islamic fundamentalists?

Side: Ebola..... duh
Atrag(5666) Disputed
1 point

It is not so dangerous. Even in Africa, where the majority of the population don't understand about how diseases spread and there are poor health care provisions, only 50% of those that contract it die. Also it is spread by contact with bodily fluids - something that happens a lot less in the USA than in Africa.

Side: ISIS is a crisis
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
1 point

Ebola doesn't spread very fast. This is a misconception. Ebola is highly infectious, yes, but not very contagious. It's spread through transfer of bodily fluids.

Side: ISIS is a crisis
1 point

One has made it to Texas, and one has threatened to attack Texas. Case closed.

Side: Ebola..... duh

Ebola because in can effect more people and put more terror in your heart than ISIS could dream of.

Side: Ebola..... duh
robag2000(65) Disputed
1 point

If ISIS launches a terrorist attack on America, say, somehow bombing The Freedom Tower in NYC, the people in that tower will experience more terror in their hearts than a disease that spreads through bodily fluids.

Side: ISIS is a crisis
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Its not called the Freedom Tower any more, its called One World Trade Center.

Side: Ebola..... duh
1 point

Maybe. A small number, for a short duration.

A virulent disease can terrify far more people for a much longer time than a single terrorist bombing, and those who die from it suffer far more than most bomb victims in the meantime. And a terrorist attack is something we know we can strike back against, or increase security to protect against, or something to that effect; we can treat ebola but we can't really control it, all we can do is distance ourselves from it and hope for the best. It can potentially create a level of helplessness that terrorism simply can't match.

Side: Ebola..... duh

We can stop Ebola easily within atleast 2 years. Isis on the other hand is a Terrorist army and will son be a whole terrorist military. ISIS is a greater threat.

Side: ISIS is a crisis
1 point

ISIS/ISIL is a human terrorist organization. Humans have been proven to be smarter than diseases, since they have brains. With modern technology, nuclear bombs can kill people A LOT faster than ebola will ever be able to.

Side: ISIS is a crisis
1 point

human terrorist organization.... what other kinds of terrorist organizations are there?

Side: ISIS is a crisis
1 point

Isis can do more damage and kill more people . Ebola is deadly but it can be contained . If the middle east has taught us anything it's that extremists cannot be controlled .

Side: ISIS is a crisis