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Bombs, bombs and more bombs bombs, bombs and more bombs
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Bombs, bombs and more bombs (1)
 bombs, bombs and more bombs (2)

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excon(18261) pic

What will the upcoming civil war look like?


Since the enemy, figuratively, lives next door, there won't be any front lines, there won't be any tanks, and there won't be any airplanes.  There will be militias but nothing to attack except buildings, and there's going to be plenty of that, ala Timothy McVeigh.  Millions will die.  How will the winner know they won?  They won't, cause there won't be a winner.. 

It'll stop when the funding ceases.  What will change?  I dunno.  What do you think?


Bombs, bombs and more bombs

Side Score: 1

bombs, bombs and more bombs

Side Score: 2

There won’t be physical confrontation at all. The most elite people in the world are gonna change the money system over to a digital system. Everyone will be tracked and controlled so efficiently that there will be almost zero crime!

Side: Bombs, bombs and more bombs
1 point

Should the current civil unrest be allowed to develop into a civil war by the SHITHEAD POLITICIANS ON BOTH SIDES, it will be a protracted, tit-for-tat, bloodbath with each side's terrorist groups committing ever downward spiralling levels of atrocities.

Social gatherings in public places will pose the risk of catching covid-19 or being blown to smithereens by a terrorist bomb.

Travelling on public transport will be fraught with risks as will visiting the local shopping mall/arcade.


In the main it's President Poopy Pants who is keeping the flames of hatred fanned with the short sighted, selfish motive of distracting from his shocking MALADMINISTRATION'S eternal disasters.

Side: bombs, bombs and more bombs
1 point

Should the current civil unrest be allowed to develop into a civil war by the SHITHEAD POLITICIANS ON BOTH SIDES, it will be a protracted, tit-for-tat, bloodbath with each side's terrorist groups committing ever downward spiralling levels of atrocities.

Hello P:

I don't believe the politicians CAN or WANT to stop it. Yes, it will be HELL.


Side: bombs, bombs and more bombs
Pench(841) Clarified
1 point

I can fully understand why you think that but my take on this is that they're too dumb to know how their aggressive rhetoric is affecting the lower end of their minions.

All we have to do is refer back to Trump's Twitter then see how it impacted on Capitol Hill on January 6th 2021.

Side: Bombs, bombs and more bombs