
Debate Info

Pretty typical Even he can't defend this crap
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Pretty typical (1)
 Even he can't defend this crap (3)

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Catdog(56) pic

When given chance to defend Democrats, Excon bails and chooses not to defend them

Pretty typical

Side Score: 1

Even he can't defend this crap

Side Score: 3
1 point

When given chance to defend Democrats, Excon bails and chooses not to defend them

Hello developing, nom, or whoever you're pretending to be today.

I appreciate the opportunity you've presented me with.. No, really. You're so kind.. Nobody on any website has been this generous.

However, as I've told you any number of times, to demand a response from me is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.


Side: Pretty typical
TheJuice(17) Disputed
1 point

to demand a response from me is STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.

You've just given him a response you imbecile. Are you performing some kind of parody or are you actually this fucking dumb?

Side: Even he can't defend this crap
1 point

He's only got one line of defence and it's to accuse everything and everyone around him of being anti-Semitic. The guy is an actual bona fide moron.

Side: Even he can't defend this crap
1 point

I do not know what to say really what you share very well and useful to the community, I feel that it makes our community much more developed, thanks

Side: Even he can't defend this crap