
Debate Info

Your genetics you inherit. The way you're brought up.
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Your genetics you inherit. (3)
 The way you're brought up. (3)

Debate Creator

Axmeister(4311) pic

Which of these affects your life more?

Your genetics you inherit.

Side Score: 3

The way you're brought up.

Side Score: 3
1 point

Not Exhaustive:





It’s a combination of many factors and its different for everyone; I don't think it’s possible to really pinpoint which affects your life more because it’s a combination. For instance, studies have shown that a baby in utero is affected by chemicals and hormones transmitted from the mother as well as outside influences such as music or arguing. Can you really tell which affects the baby more? Wouldn't it be different case by case depending on what individual babies in utero are exposed to?

If you are more specific in which aspect of a person’s life, then perhaps a more specific answer can be given about which factor affects it more.

Side: Your genetics you inherit.
1 point

100% nature and 100% nurture. How you ask? Both are working at you with all their might and collide often on who wins out on a certain thing. But it is indeed both 100%.

Side: Completely Both
1 point

The genetics you inherit dictate whether you have certain conditions or disabilities in a way that the way you are brought up cannot strongly dictate. These are some of the most significant genes that you can possibly inherit and although you can develop them because of the way you are brought up genetics define their limits, and can probability. Mental disorders are far more common by genetics than by the way you are brought up

Side: Your genetics you inherit.
1 point

Nature verses Nurture is one of the biggest debates. But, it has been proven over and over and it is quite obvious that the environment becomes the deciding factor. Each individual at certain times is enveloped by the Worldly norms and exhibits it's innate self with limitation. And also the IQ is highly affected depending on the environment that he or she lives in. If it's rural, it declines and increases in the urban.

Side: The way you're brought up.
1 point

I've heard this debate several times amongst people I know, but the world we're in is changing so it doesn't matter what condition you were born in as long as you have a fair chance at life.

Side: The way you're brought up.
1 point

I have to say the way you were brought. With the exception of the situation where your genetics (i.e. a genetic condition that is abnormal) cause your quality of life to suffer.

Side: The way you're brought up.