
Debate Info

Intellect Emotion
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Intellect (3)
 Emotion (3)

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ezekiel_roma(526) pic

Which weighs more in our life? Intellect or Emotion?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3

Well this is subjective to the person isn't it? To me intellect is more important, to most others I would imagine emotion is more important.

Side: Intellect
1 point

Id choose intellect. As i've learned from my studies, our emotions come from a part of our brain, which is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a part of the limbic system, which is the seat of emotions. When we feel our emotions, and when we decide using our emotions, we also use that part of our brain. So no matter what we do, we still use our intellect.

Side: Intellect
1 point

Some people rely mostly on emotion to poorly reason out things that they could otherwise better reason with intellectual thinking. For me i use an intellectual thought process for everything i encounter, i am not very emotional at all nor do i rely on even a pinch of emotion for reasoning. I reason everything out in the most reasonable, logical, and comprehensive way i possibly can. If i was simply an emotional person and didn't even try to access my knowledge and intellect i would often be very wrong about things, make poor decisions, and probably even do insane things as the word emotion doesn't exclude emotions such as anger, rage or hate. A better society is one in which everyone attempts to use their intellect to the fullest potential possible to figure out and reason things and constantly builds upon it so they get ever better. However this isn't quite so just yet, but i believe that one day a future in which everyone is intellectual will exist. My reason's for believing in such a future is by way of societal trends, statistics, and technology.

Side: Intellect

I say emotion, cause people's thinking is often affected my they emotional state, while a person's intellect does not have the same effect on their emotion.

Side: Emotion

I would also say emotion since people often succumb to error and weariness when ravaged by deep emotion.

Side: Emotion

Emotions give us love and the strive to do good for others. Emotions make each one of us human.

Side: Emotion