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 Who do you think has the most intense rivalry on CreateDebate? (10)

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wardogninja(1790) pic

Who do you think has the most intense rivalry on CreateDebate?

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3 points

Either Cartman or PrayerFails Versus anyone who spouts what they believe to be bullshit.

Or Lolzors versus who ever argues against one of his ideas. Though, unlike the two above, Lolzors never seems to gain leeway. That's not to say he's wrong, it's just that I haven't seen him convince anyone of his way of thinking.

2 points

I like the first one.

That's not to say he's wrong, it's just that I haven't seen him convince anyone of his way of thinking.

It's because he is insane. Thought I could help clear that up for everyone.

ChuzLife and almost anyone who isn't on his friends list.

Hellno and Dana are often neck and neck as the point score leaders, though they manage to handling in a civil manner.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
2 points

Atrag and me have a worse rivalry. .

1 point

True. Although you've been very well behaved lately. I've been impressed :P

2 points

Me and Atrag. We can't stand each other. .

2 points

I used to have a rivalry with TheThinker a few years ago. I don't see him on here much anymore and I heard he's matured somewhat. Dana has made rivals with most of the people on here at one point or another, including me. I gave up on that though... she's getting better... kind of... I guess... well, we aren't rivals anymore. I'm basically searching for a new rival now. If anyone's interested, let me know.

2 points

Hmmm? Well it changes from week to week but the most current one seems to be Dana and Atrag.

I don't really know depends on what is said and if it hits home.