
Debate Info

Allah Jesus with God's assistance
Debate Score:26
Total Votes:27
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 Allah (13)
 Jesus with God's assistance (11)

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Hitler(2364) pic

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Who would win?


Side Score: 15
Winning Side!

Jesus with God's assistance

Side Score: 11
2 points

Allah has a dynamite vest. Jesus only has a robe. Therefore Allah wins.

Just to be clear; I'm taking this to be a fashion contest and I meant 'dynamite' as in how J.J. Walker would use it.

Side: Allah
sauh(1106) Clarified
1 point

Good times.

Side: Allah
1 point


Side: Allah
1 point

The Taliban would come and blow this argument up as they believe they must kill all "Infidels".

Side: Allah
1 point

allah is the best! subhanuhu w taala! allahu akbur! istaghfurallah al alaye al azem

Side: Allah
1 point

My left eye is flickering.... My left palm is shaking! It will form into a fist and hit...Hard!

Side: Allah

Christians, Muslims, and Jews alike worship different interpretations of what originated as the same God; also known as the God of Abraham, or Yahweh.

Taking that into account, if this matchup were even possible, Jesus' victory would be in the bag; assuming positive values, X < Y+X. I don't believe one can assign a negative value for something like strength.

Side: Jesus with God's assistance
Hitler(2364) Disputed
1 point

Explain please. I didn't understand that.

Side: Allah
2 points

Allah is just another word for God.

Side: Allah
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

There really isn't a way to understand it per se; we're talking about a hypothetical scenario where two deities who should, logically, be either mutually exclusive or very much the same entity, facing off head to head as separate entities.

The Christian God and Islam's Allah are based on the same god, with the same capabilities. We'll call the influence of God/Allah's strength on the equation X.

The Christian God is lending his strength to his son, Jesus. We'll call Jesus' independent strength Y.

So on one side, we have X.

On the other side, we have X+Y.

As 'strength' can't really be a negative, we're looking at numbers greater than or equal to zero to represent each of these.

Jesus wins with Gods help if Jesus' strength is nonzero. If Jesus' strength is zero, it's a dead heat.

Side: Allah
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Why would God help Jesus defeat Himself? Jesus wouldn't get too much assistance to defeat the person he is trying to get assistance from, right?

Side: Allah
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

That's why I noted "if this matchup were even possible" as a hypothetical scenario; even if Allah and the Christian god were to be considered distinct entities, nothing suggests that either would have any advantage or disadvantage over one another; Jesus would be the tipping point in that hypothetical scenario.

If Allah and the Christian God were to be considered the same entity, then Jesus w/God still wins, if only by default, as that scenario would be one where the christian interpretation of god was correct, and the 'Allah' they would be against would not be another deity, simply a flawed interpretation of one.

Side: Allah

I'm NOT taking either side, despite what the rules of this debate are. All I can say is, THIS IS THE DUMBEST ARGUMENT!!!

Two things:

1. If you have a god against a god, how is someone going to fight air to tip over the fight. What could Jesus POSSIBLY do to hurt FUCKING ALLAH!!! I mean you could ask the same question about Allah and Muhammed vs God. FIGHTING GOD IS LIKE FIGHTING FUCKING AIR!!! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING SKULLS ALREADY EVERYONE!!!

2. This is a childish immature argument, that should be reserved for talking about comical superheroes. If anyone actually SAYS, in ANY WAY and I quote, "what if Jesus was really a comic book superhero," I'm going to say that you are FUCKING INSANE OUT LOUD ON MY COMPUTER, EVEN IF I'M IN SCHOOL IN MY COMP SCI CLASS!!!

I MEAN IT!!! There has to be SOME rational argument here. Hence, you are all wrong.

Side: Jesus with God's assistance
1 point

Why can't Jesus be a comic book superhero? Is it because there aren't any pictures? The Bible is Jesus' comic book.

Did you actually say it? :)

Side: Jesus with God's assistance
1 point

I don't know who will win, but I pray to God, so I'm going with Jesus with God's assistance.

Side: Jesus with God's assistance
0 points

Jesus because He created everything.

OT: Jesus is God. You shouldn't have said "Jesus with God's assistance".

Side: Jesus with God's assistance
thousandin1(1931) Clarified
1 point

Also OT: The whole trinity deal somewhat confuses me. Maybe I'm forgetting it, but I'm not personally aware of scriptures that establish God as being composed of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Specifically, I'm not aware of scriptures that differentiate between the Father aspect and the Holy Spirit aspect, nor am I aware of scriptures that establish Jesus as being an aspect of God himself.

I know Jesus is quoted as having said 'My father and I are one' or something to that effect, but that doesn't establish membership of God; When people use the phrase 'we are one' it is almost never a case of the two being the same person, but rather simply indicating accord and a common cause.

Side: Allah
Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

Jesus actually in John 5:19 it says that whatever the Father does the Son does as well making it known that the Son does whatever the Father does making them both the same person.

Take for example the 3 branches of government. We have judicial, executive, and federal. They are all part of the government but they are still labeled a government and not something else.

Side: Allah