
Debate Info

McCain Obama
Debate Score:110
Total Votes:154
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 McCain (22)
 Obama (27)

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waaykuul(325) pic

Whose foreign policy is better?

Confrontation vs. Diplomacy

"Republican John McCain, with his long stint in national politics, has attempted to frame the foreign policy issue around the question of experience. But evaluating McCain’s foreign policy positions reveals a candidate consistently dedicated to confrontation, threats, and the use of military power.

Democrat Barack Obama, a new face on the national scene, has chosen to emphasize the need for change in the way in which U.S. foreign policy is conducted. Obama has called formore focus on diplomacy, less on military action, and an end to the "politics of fear." However, an examination of Obama’s advisers and policy ideas makes it clear that Obama is anything but a non-interventionist."


Side Score: 44


Side Score: 66
4 points

I feel negotiation and talking is fine.But I hope Obama realizes that sometimes negotiation will not work and it is America that must strike first before America suffers extreme casualties. There are extremest in the world that just out right hate America and what we stand for. These extremest will not stop until America and certain allies are annihilated.

Obama wants to talk and negotiate, fine. But what makes Obama think that he can change the opinions of leaders, of countries such as Iran, N. Korea, Venezuela,etc. who have made statements such as, "America is a stinking corpse,"The days of the American Empire are coming to an end", "America, Israel, and the U.K. will soon be wiped off the face of the earth", "America's and Europe's Christian god will be conquered by the one true god", "All countries must unite to destroy the evil America".

-If Obama talks with these leaders, don't you think they'll tell him what he wants to hear and still have a pure hatred for Americans and want to destroy us any chance they get? I do.

Side: McCain
adpopulum(18) Disputed
2 points

Your statement; "There are extremest in the world that just out right hate America and what we stand for" is plain ridiculous. It's a myth used to confuse the American public. For sure there are extremists, but they don't bomb and attack us for the beliefs (religious, political, or economic), they bomb us because we bomb them. We've been murdering millions of people in dozens of countries for decades. What you're referring to is backlash for all the families we have bombed or starved with economic sanctions and one sided trade rules. It's a side effect of our arrogance in thinking that we should police the world and that we have the right to profit of the poverty and ignorance of 3rd world countires.

Side: Obama
Buster(44) Disputed
1 point

Ok Rev. Wright

Yes, no country is 100% correct in its efforts and everyone loses in a war. BUT the best defense is a good offense, not to be confused with aggression. The United States is not the one spewing "KILL THE INFIDELS" and schooling their children in hatred and terrorist techniques. There are religious extremest that teach hatred for all others that do not follow their beliefs. Some even go as far to call for the death of non-believers. Our national defense and security must not be compromised by those who think that the United States is the enemy. If you think that these leaders and groups will ever change their goal to destroy the United States, than you need a serious wake-up call.

Side: McCain
2 points

The issue with Obama's original comment is that you cannot just meet and talk without having ground work done. Obama realized that and backtracked on his original comments. He admitted that of course state department ground work would be laid. The issue with meeting with these guys is the prestige it gives them back home. They use the footage and sound bites to boost their status in the eyes of their countrymen.

Additionally, there are always talks going on, sometimes directly, sometimes behind the scenes and sometimes through third parties. We had negotiations with Saddam Hussein going on through the UN before getting tired of his deception and invading. But it wasn't done unilaterally and it wasn't done without giving him the chance to prove that the WMDs which we knew he had a few years earlier had been destroyed. There was diplomacy. There was diplomacy with N Korea. It was through third parties. It was seemingly to no avail but didn't we just announce a breakthrough?

Obama will have a huge learning curve but there will be seasoned advisors at his side hopefully. JFK screwed up his first taste of foreign policy. He could have killed the Bay of Pigs invasion. He could have let it go through fully supported. But he chose the worst possible path and let it go on but failed to give it full support and it was an immense disaster, cost us huge loss of international esteem and caused a rift with his own CIA. But he relied on his instincts and will always be remembered for the Cuban Missile crisis.

McCain will have more of a chance to hit the ground running. He is not likely to be a hawk. He has paid the price personally. The biggest difference will of course be Iraq. McCain wont pull out as losers with our tail between our legs as we did in Vietnam scarring a generation. In twenty years we will know if the price we paid in Iraq was successful in transforming the Middle East. Until then, we can only decide how to wrap up our involvement. If a democratic pro west state grows up and spreads across the middle east, GWB will enjoy the same change of opinion that Truman did. But meanwhile we need to manage the end of this engagement so that we make the most of the investment we have already made.

Side: McCain
HGrey87(750) Disputed
3 points

- WMD's are a joke, sorry. We invaded because he was about to trade oil in Euros. Same reason we're about to invade Iran.

- McCain is a hawk. His voting record has fallen more and more into line with Pres. Bush, up to 100% in 2008. Bush wants war with Iran, and has said he will take the first steps to ensure it if Obama will get elected. If McCain gets elected, it won't be necessary, as he will take those steps himself.

- The mistake in Vietnam was going in, not getting out. And we have patterns of setting up dictatorships (for example, Saddam Hussein), not democracies.

Side: Obama
Inkwell(328) Disputed
3 points

WMDs are a threat, not a joke. We know for a fact that Iraq had them as evidenced by UN inspectors. The period immediately preceding our invasion inspectors were sent back into Iraq, to give Hussein an opportunity to show that they had been destroyed. He refused to do so. Whatever level of joke the media has made of the issue of WMDs, EVERYONE with any knowledge of the issue believed they had WMDs. Both sides of the aisle. capital hill and white house and Langley. Everyone. US and Europe. EVERYONE who mattered. Clinton administration AND Bush administration. Everyone was wrong.

Why would we have cared back then if he denominated oil in Euros. Fear had not yet arisen that the Euro would replace the dollar as a reserve currency. It was certainly not enough of a threat, and probably still isn't, to start a war over. Please enlighten me as I am obviously missing something. We have much more to fear from the euro now but we don't engage in trade wars with the eurozone. We still coordinate with the ECB. Please explain further for me.

Please provide a quote where Bush made either of those statements

We went in to bail out the french under Ike, we expanded actions to serve our own interests under two Democrats. We got out under a Republican. Lots to flesh out the story but that is the basic fact. Ike and Kennedy had discretion to stop. Johnson and Nixon inherited no win situations and both admittedly made a bad situation worse.

You are referring to our cold war policies when we had a much more intrusive and surreptitious foreign policy. And it is true but is not germane to what I said. I said what the neocon plan was for Iraq, not what our history is or was.

Side: McCain
1 point

How can anyone answer this question? We have no idea what Obama will do in a crisis. He said he would undo trade treaties like NAFTA to get votes from working middle America and when Canada said thanks, then we will just sell our oil to China instead of the US, he sent his people to Canada to say "just kidding". Israel is scared to death of him because his commentary before running for president was overwhelmingly pro Palestinian and he wants to hold talks with Iranian leaders without defining what talks would entail. So that is two of our three strongest allies he has worried already. I frankly have no idea what an Obama administration's foreign policy will look like. So how can I answer?

Side: McCain
HGrey87(750) Disputed
2 points

Your NAFTA info is right on-target.

Obama is not Pro-Palestine. He has said he would meet their leaders, but then kind of changed his stance when he realized you MUST support Israel to get elected here. Now he has covered up his position by saying he supports Israel 100%.

It's a disgusting flip-flop, but at least he does it less than McCain :-\ And honestly, being pals with Israel is not the way to win hearts and minds. But when we have to stand with someone as abrasive and unpopular as Israel, when it's strategically sound to do so, that's how you know we're fucked either way. [What are your middle school bullies doing in life now?]

As for talking with leaders of Iran and Palestine without preconditions, what could possibly be wrong with that? I think that's a pretty American way of looking at negotiation. I'm probably overlooking some major aspect of foreign negotiation, so someone please fill me in.

Side: Obama
Inkwell(328) Disputed
2 points

Your characterization of Israel is so off base and wrong headed as to be laughable. Comparing Israel to a bully when they have been attacked repeatedly since formation in 1948. The Palestinians who are still in camps left Israel when the surrounding Arab nations told them to leave their homes and they could return after they drove the Jews into the sea. They have tried repeatedly. They can still go home . . . as soon as the same Arab nations fulfill their goal, which still 60 years later unchanged, to drive the Jews into the sea. Syria wants the Golan back? Tough, they used the high ground to reign mortars on innocent Israeli farms. They attacked Israel, now they want their military advantage of the high ground back? Screw'em. The Arab armies outnumbered the Israeli army many times over, they had more guns, more tanks, more planes but lost time after time. When Clinton made Israel kiss ass, Israel gave in on 90% of what the Palestinians were asking. Palestinian leadership responded by walking away from talks and calling for intifada. The idea that Israel has a partner to deal with ridiculous.

As for Obama, he repeatedly spoke of how the Palestinians are the ones suffering. What about the Israelis killed by daily mortar fire from Lebanon and Gaza? How about the Israelis AND AMERICANS killed by so called suicide bombers? The most recent action in Lebanon is being called offensive and preemptive but that totally ignores the hundred of mortars landed in Israel from Hezbollah and the two Israelis taken prisoner. Since when is the bully the one who takes a beating strictly defending itself? Israel defended itself in 1948-49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982. Since then they have pretty much been under a constant state of attack from mortars and suicide bombers under several intifada calls.

Israel is one of three reliable and effective partners we have in the world. Obama has already pissed off Canada and Israel is scared of him winning. No one can possibly believe he is pro Israel. When does he alienate us from England?

I gave the reasons why you don't do it. If you don't like my reasons go ask someone in the state department.

Side: McCain
-1 points

This one isn't even a contest!

Look at the two candidates! McCain is an experienced veteran and Obama is an inexperienced radical who has never traveled south of our border!

The last time Obama went to visit the middle east (remember, the big media-fest) he canceled many visits to troops in Germany, etc. But, I guess you didn't hear about that on Keith Olbermann so it isn't true (sarcasm).

The candidates' past says it all.

Iraq veteran puts Obama in his place
Side: McCain
2 points

Okay, glad to see that you talked about the candidates stated policies and didn't just quote bullshit rightwing talking points (sarcasm).

Let's look at McCain's "experience" shall we. He led us into the Iraq war and said it would be easy. He didn't even understand the cultural conflict between shia and sunni Muslims.

Also, what does being a veteran in Vietnam do to help with foreign policy experience? I commend McCain for his service to our nation, but that doesn't mean he automatically is going to know what's best. You have to look at his record, and in this case his record tells a different story.

Finally, the video you showed. I'm pretty sure that bringing "democracy and freedom" to the people of Iraq shouldn't involve the deaths of somewhere between 400,000 and a 1,000,000 people.

and while your at it check out this picture that I think sums up my point pretty well:

In addition, in Iraq 4,119 U.S. armed forces have died since the start of the war. In the September 11 attacks: 2,998.

The stated reasons for going into this war were that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and posed an imminent threat to us. This was not true and McCain was one of the people who sold us on these lies.

McCain was wrong
Side: Obama
-2 points
6 points

What happend with Hitler was appeasment. In order to stop a war from happening they let Hitler get away with more and more until finally he went to far. What Obama wants is to talk to these people. Talking is a far cry from appeasement.

What negotiating does is it shows other nations that we are not just some country that trys to boss people around militarily. If our demands are reasonable then we gain international support and nations such as Iran are put under pressure. By threatening them militarily we make them look like heroes in the eyes of many of their people. The object would be to put them into a situation where we have the moral high ground so if we do have to use military force, then at least we can say, "we tried every other option first" and our allies will support us in our decisions, not hate us.

Side: Obama
Buster(44) Disputed
1 point

So what your saying is you would risk the lives of millions of Americans, just so we can say "We have the Moral High Ground". A lot of countries do and will hate America whether or not we have the moral high ground. What allies are you talking about that hate America. Hate is a strong word, some allies may not agree, like most did with the war on Iraq. But most sent troops anyway to help because they are our allies and we would do the same for them.

Side: McCain
ThePyg(6738) Disputed
-3 points
HGrey87(750) Disputed
2 points

What if "what they want" is reasonable? Israel refuses to negotiate with Palestine, after basically stealing their country and becoming the second most militarily aggressive country in the world. Yeah, we all know who's #1. Actual terrorist acts are a last resort; suicide bombing is the tool of people who don't have the resources to launch rockets into neighborhoods, a la the IDF.

And why do you think Ahmadinejad is a radical? This is what the mainstream media has told you. Have you done any research into him at all? Maybe this idiotic strong-arm foreign policy is what is CAUSING terrorism against us, no? Get some more understanding on the subject aside from what you are told in History class and on CNN.

Side: Obama
Inkwell(328) Disputed
2 points

why ask a f---ing question if you are going to answer it yourself. Back to your mental masturbation. You don't need a partner for sex OR debate apparently. You ask a question and then answer it yourself. Screw the media. They are your scapegoat for everything. He appears on TV and we can judge his words for ourselves. He appears in print and we can judge his words for ourselves. Unless you think the interpreters which he provides are distorting his message and no one has caught it. This is not the 1930s where a single media point of view is all that we have available. You are a propagandist and nothing more. The IDF fires rockets into neighborhoods because that is where the mortars are. That is where the cowardly Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists hide. Suicide bombers who attack buses and discos and cafes at lunch time and libraries full of Americans are not targeting military targets. THAT is the very definition of terrorism in my book. Violence used NOT for military tactic but for terrorizing a populace. IDF rockets are aimed at military targets. If those targets are cowards hiding in residential neighborhoods, or urban centers,oh well. If you don't understand the difference you are intentionally obtuse.

Israel cannot negotiate with a group whose sole purpose is to destroy them. What can they possibly discuss? It is like the warden giving a condemned man his choice of the chair or lethal injection. When negotiation was forced on them by President Clinton, Israel came to the table giving up 90% of the questioned land and the PLO offered nothing in return but further demands and walked away to declare intifada. Would YOU rush back to the table after that? We already know what they want. Destruction of Israel. That is not reasonable. When they were both forced to the negotiating table, it was the PLO who left after offering NOTHING and declared intifada. Go spread your propaganda to someone who doesn't know better.

I believe that holocaust denial and "drive the Jews into the sea" are radical. Maybe the butterfly effect or fluoridation of water are causing it. Maybe too much sugar in his diet causes him to want to kill people. AFTER I kill the rabid dog trying to bite me I can worry about the cause of rabies. First job is kill the rabid dog. Arabs have been trying to kill Jews and eliminate Israel since 1948. I don't think it has anything to do with the Bush administration. The day you stand next to an empty casket because the suicide bomber didn't leave enough of your family member to bury, you can lecture me. When you have been to Israel a dozen times you can lecture me about history class you 20 year old know nothing. Experience some life and then you can presume to talk to me about he media brainwashing me. Once again you presume to know me and about me. If you knew 1 percent of what you think you know, you might be worth something.

Side: McCain
ThePyg(6738) Disputed
1 point

He executes fags and raped women... i find that radical. he wants to wipe Israel off the map... sounds radical to me.

Mainstream media? like MSNBC and CNN? two news organizations that have constantly attacked McCain on his foreign policy? really?

now, if you mean Fox News... sorry, that's not mainstream, since Fox News = 1. CNN, MSNBC, Headline News, and CNBC = 4.


Side: McCain
ta9798(316) Disputed
1 point

Just because America is known for something doesn't mean it is good or America should continue that policy. Sure Britain did compromise with Hitler but while Hitler was evil as are terrorists, Hitler led a country where as terrorists don't necessarily lead any country in a sense terrorists are like parasites feeding off the unsuspecting or helpless host. Terrorists don't necessarily want to negotiate, they want us to suffer to feel pain; right now America is feeling a lot of pain. We cannot label anyone who doesn't want american influence in an area as terrorists just because we don't like that they don't like us. Remember it is not the american people but the american government that they truly hate. we can't take the approach that we are always right and if you say otherwise we'll just bomb you, not if we want to live without fear and suffering that is. I'm assuming that you want foreign policy that McCain wants which happens to be what America has been following for almost a decade. Ask yourself has it worked? Are we really safer? Is the world a better place? Does having two simultaneous wars going on at the same time increase our security? McCain's policy which is basically an extension of Bushes failed policy is reckless and dangerous. Obama at least understands that our policy is wrong and that it needs change, he understands that you can't fight terrorists the same way you fight an enemy nation. There is no shame in trying to preserve life by talking and compromising, in fact it takes greater courage to not resort to violence even when you are threatened by it. Make no mistake Obama is no pacifist but he also isn't a reckless and indifferent war hungry hawk.

Side: Obama
3 points

'Obama has called formore focus on diplomacy, less on military action, and an end to the "politics of fear." However, an examination of Obama’s advisers and policy ideas makes it clear that Obama is anything but a non-interventionist."'

a) It's is always better to negotiate than blindly strike a potential enemy.

b) We're damnear broke due to current military action, do we really need more?

c) Fear is what the ignorant use to control the more ignorant; communication is how the informed win over (and thus control) the informed

d) Non-intervention isn't always the best way to go. You can try and try to convince a person not to spit in your face, but after trying you may find the only way they pay attention to you is by smacking their face.

Side: Obama
3 points

c) Fear is what the ignorant use to control the more ignorant; communication is how the informed win over (and thus control) the informed

I'm gonna think about this one for a while. Very interesting, but I'm pretty sure the informed will use either one.

Side: Obama
3 points

Obama and McCain's official foreign policy stances are more or less the same.

I think Obama has much more grace and diplomatic skill than John "I will always hate the Gooks" McCain, which is very important in a president.

I also think Obama will be less likely to use force to solve our national security problems, which is a good thing. War should be the last resort.

Supporting Evidence: John McCain's racist remark very troubling (
Side: Obama

In this global society there is no room for shoot first and ask questions later. There is a tremendous amount at stake if we do things that way. More than ever before we must see an end to cowboy politics and we must have diplomacy working for us at all times. I'm certain Obama would act if absolutely necessary but only when all else has been exhausted. That's the type of person I wish to have as President.

Side: Obama
2 points

"Citizens of dozens of foreign countries prefer Barack Obama over John McCain as our next president by a margin of almost 4 to 1"

And by dozens, he means 70. I want the world to view us as helpful Americans. I am sick of cowboy presidents. Thats why I think is foreign policy is better.

Side: Obama