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JakeJ(3255) pic

Why are you a liberal?

This debate only applies to liberals.

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2 points

I'm not Liberal or Conservative, but here are some good things about Liberal beliefs:






Gay Marriage


Those are the good parts of Modern Liberalism. So, I'm part Liberal because of that.

Side: Legalize It
1 point

That's what this crazy paradigm has created, a false distinction.

True conservatives would be more socially liberal if they actually stuck to their core conservative policies (instead of pandering to the religious and special interests...the flip side is the "liberals" who pander to minorities/poor and special interests), which believes that the government which governs least governs best.

Cutting federal government down to size would free up a lot of the legalization/prostitution/gambling/abortion stuff because it would not be under federal jurisdiction.

If we had a party that was both...socially liberal and fiscally conservative, we might have something decent to work with. At least, until the lobbyists get wind of it. ;)

Side: Legalize It
1 point

"If by a 'Liberal' they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal,' then I'm proud to say I'm a 'Liberal.'"

- John F. Kennedy

Side: JFK
2 points

it's too bad that most liberals don't live by those standards.

Side: Legalize It
1 point

1. Conservatives aren't conservative anymore, at least not the ones in power. They're covers for special interest, and have been using fear, and mindless quips to trick and scare the common person into falling for policies that only help those at the very top of the food chain.

- invasion of Iraq

- less oversite on wallstreet (then bail them out without oversite, then continue to try and say the problem is too much oversite, when the opposite is obviously true)

2. Consevatives seem to think people are too dumb to understand issues, because for all their blustering, they refuse to come up with any actual answers to any actual problems other than what we've been doing the last 8 years. Then they dismiss anyone who comes up with what seem very plausible, and at the least worthy of a try given the severity of our situation, as communism, socialism, or unpartiotic.

3. Abortion

4. Legalization of Marijuana

5. Equal Rights, like the Constitution says, for everyone.

6. Separation of Church and State.

7. The gap between rich and poor has become too great, and the middle class have been squeezed to death, and Conservative "trickle down" type economic approaches only add to the problem.

8. We need to become energy independant, and Conservatives in power are married to big energy, ball and chain. Clean coal, digging up oil here, all short term, all would take just as long to show results as converting to clean energy, all would still ultimately be part of OPEC, and OPEC has become a cancer on humanity.

The only current issues I disagree with liberals on:

1. Some of the far left have become unresonable in their demand to pull out of Iraq. We need to get out, but we need to do it in a smart way.

2. Too PC sometimes.

3. Trial lawyers, while very necessary, need to be reigned in in some cases (not all, just some, where the "victim" had a choice in the matter)

4. There are crazies on the left just like the right, they're just not as prominant, PETA and the super tree huggers, are just as nuts as Rush and the NRA.

Side: lots of reasons
1 point

Hey thanks, but I was hoping this debate would be more about why people are liberals and less about why people aren't conservative. Its hard to get a liberal to be pro liberal instead of anti conservative. Lets not turn this into a roast.

You did have allot of good things to say though. And I like how you where mature enough to point out that you disagree with liberals on some things.

Side: lots of reasons

I am a Liberal because I am compassionate, hate war, want the middle class to succeed, want strong Social Security, and want peace in the world.

Side: lots of reasons
0 points

"The research is based on the findings of over 100 different studies around the world, which questioned 80,000 people worldwide.

The top 10 "happiest" countries:

1. Denmark

2. Switzerland

3. Austria

4. Iceland

5. The Bahamas

6. Finland

7. Sweden

8. Bhutan

9. Brunei

10. Canada"

Supporting Evidence: 10 happiest countries (
Side: Happiness
MKIced(2511) Disputed
2 points

What does that have to do with being a liberal? I'm so confused...

Side: Happiness
1 point

they're small countries filled with some of the dumbest people on earth.

you tell me.

Side: Legalize It
frenchieak(1132) Disputed
2 points

5. The Bahamas

How are you not happy in the Bahamas? Come on.

4. Iceland

I don't know how old this study is, but I doubt that they're so happy anymore.

Side: Legalize It
-1 points

well i'm not a liberal and i'm not sure why that is and the reson i'm even posting is since noone else has and the only way to get people to is to start something besides there needs to be a little nonsense everywhere so in closing i'd like to say a few words





non-saturated fat


Side: Legalize It
sparsely(498) Disputed
2 points


and what, dammit‽

Side: Legalize It