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They ignored it They weren't prepared
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 They ignored it (5)
 They weren't prepared (7)

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StingySkank(28) pic

Why have only liberal areas gotten creamed by the virus early on


They ignored it

Side Score: 5

They weren't prepared

Side Score: 8
1 point

Because the left wing media was telling them Trump was wrong, and it was less serious than the flu.

Washington Post:

Get a grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus

Side: They ignored it
2 points

Because the left wing media was telling them Trump was wrong, and it was less serious than the flu.

You are a liar. Trump laughed the virus off and has been condemned internationally for doing so:-

The United States' closest ally is in a state of 'genuine disbelief' about how badly Trump has handled the coronavirus pandemic

This story you keep repeatedly linking on multiple different accounts has absolutely no relevance because it is not the job of the Washington Post to protect Americans from viral epidemics. It is amateur level political spin, just like everything else you ever write. Trump, very much like Hitler under the Nazis, must ALWAYS be right, and he must ALWAYS be the victim. That is how the Nazis operated, and it is how you operate also. Everything you ever do, think or type is a lamentably transparent effort to win Donald Trump a false monopoly on victimhood.

Side: They weren't prepared
Toadstool(19) Disputed
1 point

You are a liar. Trump laughed the virus off and has been condemned internationally for doing so:-

The Trump travel bans were in January. Everybody can see through the fake left wing media. It's why people trust the virus itself more than the media.

Conservative areas, even those with dense populations didn't get pounded by the virus. Only liberal areas did. Why is that?

Side: They ignored it
Toadstool(19) Disputed
1 point

This story you keep repeatedly linking on multiple different accounts has absolutely no relevance because it is not the job of the Washington Post to protect Americans from viral epidemics.

It's their job to inform the public. They didn't. They uninformed them. The areas most likely to believe them are getting trashed right now.

Side: They ignored it
Toadstool(19) Disputed
1 point

Trump, very much like Hitler under the Nazis, must ALWAYS be right, and he must ALWAYS be the victim.

Left wing media got it wrong, and Trump got it right. He's no victim. Leftists who believe left wing media are the victim. The media is why they are dying left and right and dropping like flies.

Side: They ignored it
Toadstool(19) Disputed
1 point

That is how the Nazis operated, and it is how you operate also.

Stop saying Nazis. You look like a a little retard boy who is obsessed with Hitler. Watching you on youtube proved you are a little retard boy.

Side: They ignored it
1 point

As the virus brings activity on both coasts, which overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, to a grinding halt, the demographics underscore how Democratic areas are being more heavily impacted than Republican ones.

And while low-wage workers of all stripes will likely bear the brunt of the economic hardships caused by the spread of the virus, it is black and Hispanic workers, and black women especially, that stand to be negatively impacted the most.

According to Pew Research, black and Hispanic voters overwhelmingly lean Democrat. Over 60% of black voters are registered Democrats compared to just 3% that are registered Republicans. The gap among Hispanics is smaller but still significant: roughly 40% of Hispanic voters are Democrats, while only 14% are Republican. They will soon see that their Republican counterparts are doing well while their liberally led homelands are destroyed. They will inevitably ask themselves why?

Side: They weren't prepared
1 point

Why have only liberal areas gotten creamed by the virus early on

Hello stinkey:

I thought I explained this already.... S'ok.. I'll do it again.. It's simple, really.. The virus needs CLOSE contact between people to spread.. City people live CLOSE to one another. Country folk don't..


Side: They weren't prepared