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 Why do many people find the act of other people doing drugs to be wrong? (56)

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januscomplex(281) pic

Why do many people find the act of other people doing drugs to be wrong?

I am not talking about matters of law here, though that could play a part. Why, even when it is proven scientifically harmless to you, do people see a person altering their own consciousness to be wrong? The WHO has just produced a report that shows moderate cocaine use to not be a detriment to the health of the user. Marijuana is so non-toxic it's LD 5.0 is more thc than you could ever get into your body at once. Hallucinogens have shown to produce very positive mental effects on people including a study that showed how they unwire addiction in the brain. Most of the answers I get are overprotective and don't take into account the fact that the percentage of the population that becomes addicted to something is usually around a constant percentage and is completely outweighed by those who use responsibly. So tell me, why is it wrong for a person to alter their mind or body with an outside substance?

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5 points

It's really funny how the social stigma with respect to drug use has evolved in this country. Coming home from work and drinking beer or wine to relax is completely socially acceptable, but coming home from work and smoking a joint to relax is not. Even though unlike marijuana alcohol is addictive, causes you to actually lose control of your behavior and potentially do something dangerous, strongly inhibits driving ability, and is responsible for many deaths annually. Any way you look at it would be healthier to do marijuana than alcohol. The stigma began during the prohibition of marijuana when prohibitionists frightened the public into thinking Mexicans and blacks high on marijuana posed a great danger to society. One of the men responsible for the prohibition harry K. Anslinger remarked "this marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others." Then there was a falsified study that claimed to show that marijuana kills brain cells. And the stigma continues today in large part due to campaigns by alcohol and tobacco companies. They fund a lot of anti-drug ads because they want you to use their drugs and anyone who knows about the effects of these drugs would choose marijuana over alcohol and tobacco any day.

The main problem is the common phenomenon of how people are hypercritical of other people yet justifying of themselves. Just because you can't see why someone would want to do drugs does not make doing them wrong. I don't want to paint my nails, but that doesn't mean I think painting your nails is wrong. People have their own reasons and motivations for everything they do, and you should not think you have the right to be authority on morality. We all have our vices, so we should focus on getting rid of them instead of criticizing others for theirs.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
wacko(114) Disputed
2 points

Marijuana in this day and age, with all of the hydro stuff, can actually be addictive and you do have to be aware of what stuff it is and who you get it off. Also it greatly inhibits your ability to drive GREATLY and is also responsible for many deaths annually, wether it be healthwise ( for some reason pot smokers constantly ignore that dope has 7 times the amount of tar as cigarettes and is inhaled deeper for longer., meaning 3 cones is like having 21 cigarettes), not to mention the amount of accidents they have or CAUSE.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
ledhead818(638) Disputed
2 points

Marijuana is not physically addictive. And according to a study by the Department of Transportation, marijuana had little effect on driving performance.

Marijuana itself has caused 0 deaths. Also it does not cause cancer according to the largest study done by UCLA.

They even found a protective effect caused by smoking.

And please cite your statistics for the 'incredibly numerous' amount of accidents it causes because until you do, your argument is worthless.

Thanks for the false propaganda please try again.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion

Funny you mentioned the killing brain cells propaganda. Recently there have been 2 studies lately that show Marijuana induces Hippocampal Neurogenesis i.e. it actually regrows brain cells.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
4 points

If somebody hits and kills a family member with their car because they where high I would be pretty freaking pissed off.

Also anyone who commits a crime is guilty and should answer to the law.

Simple, isn't it?

Edit: Just read the description. I don't care, I AM talking about law because it is a factor.

Side: dont do drugs
5 points

"If somebody hits and kills a family member with their car because they where high I would be pretty freaking pissed off. "

Alcohol is legal. Are you saying I should be mad at sleep when someone falls asleep at the wheel and kills someone when they drove while tired?

"Also anyone who commits a crime is guilty and should answer to the law."

This argument is old, it seems, for this argument. The law can and does change all the time. The law is not always indicative of what the entire society feels is right. Slavery, prohibition, women voting, and civil rights were all on different sides of the law from what they are today. Drug use is not an objective social imperative. Nearly all of these substance have always existed with humans.

Side: dont do drugs
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
2 points

" Are you saying I should be mad at sleep when someone falls asleep at the wheel and kills someone when they drove while tired? "

No, you should be mad at the idiot who was driving on a lack of sleep.

And you don't need illegal drugs to survive. So all in all, a poor argument. (=

" This argument is old, it seems, for this argument. The law can and does change all the time. "

That doesn't matter, justice is blind. If you want to change the law because you believe it should not be a law, go for it. But nobody that breaks the law, should get away with it.

Side: dont do drugs

The reason it is wrong for another person to alter their mind or body with an outside substance is that no one has a God given right to be happier than me. If there's anything that burns me up more is someone who is happier than me. My greatest joy is pissing somebody off :)

a smiley denotes that I jest.... in order to piss someone off ;)

Side: dont do drugs
3 points

The drug itself is harmful to no one except the people who take the drug. But the effects that the drug has on the state of mind of the other person, effects everyone around them.

Every drug has a specific effect, and those effects are not usually positive with respect to survival. They effect the ability to operate a vehicle safely, the ability to consciously oppose sexual activity, the ability to make quick or rational decisions. You can't trust, for certain, someone who is under the influence to do anything but sit in a padded room, let alone drive or care for children. And as humans, we care about each other and don't want to allow self-destructive behavior.

Side: dont do drugs
2 points

"The drug itself is harmful to no one except the people who take the drug. But the effects that the drug has on the state of mind of the other person, effects everyone around them."

You are talking about addiction. Just using drugs does not make you an addict.

"You can't trust, for certain, someone who is under the influence to do anything but sit in a padded room,"

Seems like another statement made by those who have never met or have no friends who do any drugs. I disagree with everything you have said. Drugs are not voodoo. Millions in America use many types of drugs responsibly. It's estimated 14 million regularly smoke pot in America.

"And as humans, we care about each other and don't want to allow self-destructive behavior."

To me this just seems naive. Drugs that are illegal were all made that way for specific reasons with specific interests working toward that end. There are many legal things that people use that are self destructive. Cigarrettes only positive effect come from feed an addiction, it's the most useless, but harmful drug there is. That is why it's legal.

Side: dont do drugs
Pineapple(1449) Disputed
2 points

Please don't try to tell me what I am talking about. Because you're wrong. I was talking about the drug. I said nothing about addiction. Addiction does have context in this debate, but is an afterthought. It is a negative result of taking drugs.

Seems like another statement made by those who have never met or have no friends who do any drugs.

Oh. Yeah... no I've never ever ever been around any drugs. Ever... (sarcasm).

I love pot, but I don't do it too often anymore because it sent my brother and my now ex boyfriend off the deep end. I've been effected by drugs a lot in my life through friends, family and personally. But I'm not really talking about pot here. I'm talking about harder drugs, which it doesn't sound like you have too much experience with. I've learned from my experiences, though. And I know how to not let an admiration for something effect my reasoning.

You judged me, so I'll judge you. You sound like a dumbass, little teenage pot head. I think you should try and live a little before you pretend you know everything.

Side: Don't put someone else in jeopardy
3 points

Brevity: Drug use is an integral part of civilized life. Animals use drugs. There are therapeutic uses to many illegal drugs; LSD therapy is the most effective treatment for alcoholism.

To answer the question, people fear and resent that which they do not understand. Instead of basing their stance on facts and science, they give in to ignorance and fear.

Side: Don't put someone else in jeopardy

Sure it's against the law and sure when things are done in moderation there are usually no ill effects, however, we don't know that before the fact...only after and there's the rub I think. If a person is predisposed to addiction the first time is the kick start and may lead to more than moderate usage. Cocaine, when taken in larger doses can lead to addiction very easily and that's when people get into trouble with it.

Even if it doesn't lead to addiction it can still cause things to go a bit haywire. Hallucinogens alter the mind and dimensions of things right in front of you. I remember coming home one early morning after a night of clubbing and while stopped at a red light, I thought that I saw it turn green out of the corner of my eye. It hadn't! Had it been a bit later in the morning or had there been traffic I would have smoked myself into a nifty little accident right there and then. It's just wrong to jeopardize another person's life because you want to smoke or blow some cocaine or, for that matter, have one drink too many so your mind is not focused on the task at hand.

There's nothing wrong with letting loose every now and again and unwinding from the days labors...but do it at home and not in a place where you'll put someone else behind the eight ball.

Side: Don't put someone else in jeopardy

Animals get drunk and no one says a damn thing about it.

drunk animals
Side: Don't put someone else in jeopardy
3 points

lol I love the drunk animal music in the background.


Anyways, people get drunk too. I'm sure if the drunk animals where putting people in danger we would do something about it. And when animals are putting themselves in danger don't we stop them? But hey!, let them be right? no.

Side: dont do drugs

Because they're jealous! No, I don't know, it's ridiculous. I don't press anything on anyone (unless I'm asked to, debate-style), so don't press anything on me.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
3 points

Homo sapiens are not the only creature doing drugs. The thing is: we have always done this and we always will. It's pointless arguing it's stupid. Anyone doing so will have the whole of human history against them.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion

As Chuck Palahnuik writes in Survivor, "It’s only in drugs or death we’ll see anything new, and death is too controlling."

Side: Ignorance and presumtion

I freaking love Chuck Palahnuik. I've never read survivor. I'll have to pick that one up.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
2 points

Main reason being it's utterly pointless. So what if you can get dazed for a while; what exactly is the point? Ya see, in my mind, anything you take to alter your natural mindset, is ridiculous because the bottom line is that your natural mindset depresses you or bores you and you want an "escape." And I guess I just frown on people that like to think that way. It seems to say they have no self-respect, nor any self-esteem, at all. It's like lowering your tail between your legs and wimpering away your life instead of holding your head up high and appreciating life the way it IS.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
PungSviti(552) Disputed
3 points

There is no such thing as "a natural mindset" - people´s brain cemistry differs alot along with their personality.

Addiction goes way further then drugs and by the way - obiesty for example kills more people on average than heroin (Heroin actually is not very dangerous to your body - what makes it dangerous is that it is sold on a black market and is not sold in regulated dozes - Im not defending how addictive it is though)

Some "over the counter" drugs in the USA are easier do overdoze on then for example weed ( an illegal substance in most states)

The reason people get bothered is usally because they have this illusion well honed by PR campaigns from the government that drug dealers are praying on kids. - and the reason this is wrong is because no drug dealer advertizes that he is one - if you want drugs, you will have to find him and not the other way around.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
2 points

So aside from you assuming other people's intentions, emotions, logic, and well being...

You think it's wrong and other people shouldn't do it because you dislike it? Am I right on that?

Do you feel you can righteously say you dislike something if you haven't tried it or are you just regurgitating your childhood programming? Honest question, no intended offense. It's just that I've known so many people who have that knee jerk reaction like you just did and it always seems hollow. Sometimes they tell a story of a guy they knew who got addicted or something and that's usually where its coming from. So do you have a reason for the knee jerk response or do you feel that while you are (presumably) speaking from ignorance on the subject you can still righteously judge something you know nothing about?

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
Nichole(689) Disputed
3 points

My argument is from my observations of human behavior. It's like you'll also claim that there's nothing wrong with alcoholicism despite the decades of observations and research proving how addicting, mind-alterting, body-destroying, and mentally unstabalizing alcohol is in the human body and mind. Isn't it even more ignorant for someone who KNOWS the negative consequences and pointlessness of a substance to take and use it anyways? I wouldn't say I'm being ignorant towards my argument on substance use whatsoever, I'll say I'm wiser about it more than the average person and not suspectable of lowering myself to their level. And ya, I realize this sounded like I'm better than those that choose to do it all, but to each their own. It's just the different level of self-worth that I'm on. But really, if someone wants to do that stuff, I'm the last opinion they give a crap about; in fact, I'll say research AND my personal observations and experiences prove that if someone wants to do a substance, they will convince them self in as many ridiculous ways as possible that they should keep doing it, and they will. It really doesn't even take an idiot to HAVE to do all that shit to realize it's pointless and useless and that they should find better things to invest their time with. So, no, I won't say I have a "hollow" or "ignorant" perception of drug usage.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
2 points

Drugs can have an adverse affect on you, with cocaine you do not know what they cut it with, with marijuana there are so many chemicals they use to keep pests away you might well smoke pesticide. Drugs are a way to escape from ones problems but those problems are still gonna be there and using drugs can magnify and complicate the pre-existing problems.

Side: dont do drugs
2 points

"Drugs can have an adverse affect on you, with cocaine you do not know what they cut it with, with marijuana there are so many chemicals they use to keep pests away you might well smoke pesticide"

Yes and during prohibition alcohol made in bath tubs killed people. You are citing a problem created by non regulation because the substance is illegal. An effect, not a cause.

"Drugs are a way to escape from ones problems but those problems are still gonna be there and using drugs can magnify and complicate the pre-existing problems."

No, not all drug users are escaping anything. In fact most lead healthy productive lives. Me and my friends use recreationally occasionally and we all have degrees and masters so my experience simply does not line up with whatever you've read somewhere. I do agree that drugs can agitate preexisting medical conditions in some people though, so you should know what you are doing.

Side: dont do drugs
Nichole(689) Disputed
2 points

Maybe you should ask yourself why you and your friends like to use drugs "recreationally occasionally."

Side: dont do drugs
2 points

It's usually wrong to people who's family members died from drugs or did horrible things in order to get those drugs.

I don't have a problem with drug use, even though i've seen first hand how fucked up it can get. The fact is, we live in a free country. People have a right to do w/e they want to themselves. The government should have no control over us. They shouldn't be deciding what's right for us or who deserves what.

The body reacts the way it does to drugs mainly because it's trying to tell the brain that this substance is bad. this is why we cough when smoking cigs or pot. It's trying to get it out cause it recognizes it as a harmful substance.

The body heats up when you're using XTC because the brain thinks it's fighting hysteria. This is why users of X often get "holes" burned into their brains.

LSD mimics schizophrenia (sort of). It can actually create a permanent schism in the brain, causing real schizophrenia. although, that is from chronic use.

PCP makes you real fucked up and paranoid. Users of PCP basically become the Hulk. Trying to kill and impossible to take down. I do believe that PCP should be illegal because it's dangerous mostly to others.

Crack and Meth are other drugs that should be illegal. They break down the body horribly and the high doesn't even last long. It's really just a substance used to make people dependent on drug dealers.

Heroin and Morphine are highly addictive. Chronic use very easily leads to death, and many people choke on their own vomit while sleeping. It's also almost impossible to withdraw from.

Cocaine is like a super soldier serum. Like PCP, it makes you almost invulnerable. It also makes you highly aware and full of energy. Like Red Bull, except it fucks up your sinuses and makes you paranoid as shit. If you have a busy day, though, definitely the right drug to take.

This is a country about freedom. Yes, drugs do bad things to the body, but there's no point in punishing someone for doing something bad to themselves. And for those who can take it responsibly, it can end up being a helpful substance. Many drugs are legal (zoloft, prozac, etc.). This can be because they're not as strong and don't cause hysteria; but people need drugs (the weak ones, but that's most people).

I figure the only drug actually worth trying is Acid.

Side: Hurt by addiction usually

Acid can be a fun drug to take but it can also be terrible and make you as paranoid as any other hallucinogens of any worth. I remember the first time I took it because I was told I developed a whole new language during the time I was "out there." It was the day the men landed on the moon and I felt as though I was on the moon along with them! But that was all after the fact because I had and have no real recollection of anything that happened that day. I know I was safely tucked away for the week-end at someone's house in the Hampton's with people I trusted. That never happened again and I'm glad it didn't. I did have a very bad experience with it the last time I took it so I stopped using it and never went back, it scared me so much. I don't know if it's still out there but "sunshine" is really the best I'd ever taken.

Side: Don't put someone else in jeopardy

Wow Pyg, I had no idea you and I were so close on this issue. Thanks for actually giving your opinions on specific substances instead of lumping them all together like everyone else.

Side: Don't put someone else in jeopardy
2 points

I find that the bottom line is governments, and in many cases private citizens, are being hypocritical in banning drugs like LSD and cannabis but condoning the recreational use of alcohol, tobacco, anti-depressants etc. In my opinion, people should have the right to put whatever they want in their bodies.

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
2 points

Doing drugs is wrong - I saw it in a commercial.

But seriously, it is everyone's responsibility to try and maintain a base level in our culture, a certain level of morality. From my own experience growing up in the 60s / 70s - nothing good comes from doing drugs - absolutely nothing. And if my brother is any proof - doing drugs seems to keep a person at an adolescent level of maturity too.

Let me throw a question back at you. Sniffing paint might be wonderful for some - but what possible reason would anyone want to make it legal?

Side: Ignorance and presumtion
1 point

i think it is for people to do that toi people the people that do that stuff should be toght not to do it or go to jail

Side: dont do drugs
1 point

Well i see your point. the law only interferes for the apparent protection of the people. However, as long as the tobacco business is bringing in profits, thats ok! Its totally ridiculous! I must say i am glad to find someone who agrees ( though i am not especially for drugs!)

Side: dont do drugs

They're jealous. They haven't been able to get a hold of the good stuff.

Side: dont do drugs