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 Why don't people close doors on TV? (9)

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HoldTheMayo(5913) pic

Why don't people close doors on TV?

Really, how often do you turn your car engine off, get out, and leave the door open?

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2 points

Because it's a fantasy world and people don't have to worry about real world consequences or real world reactions. I can't recall where I heard it, but I heard once before that people in movies never say hello, or bye, when answering the phone.

Yes, I've noticed the phone thing too. I find these things distracting, and it reminds me that these are just actors doing a job. Why do they want to break the illusion?

1 point


1 point

i think the people on TV must be rich .. if we leave our car doors open there's a possibility of theft :)

1 point


1 point

My husband and I noticed that on TV, people always walk away from their lockers with the door wide open. This seems to happen in nearly every teen or kids show with lockers. It's irritating. How the hell does that happen? They just don't close the lockers. They unlock them and open them, but then don't close them. How were they shut and locked in the first place if they never close them??! This is like a chicken or the egg type thing!!

1 point


They should close doors on TV because it will set a good example for the kids watching.

1 point
