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 Why have schools changed B.C, A.D to B.C.E, C.E (3)

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rightwrong(285) pic

Why have schools changed B.C, A.D to B.C.E, C.E

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2 points

Because it is more accurate.

CE stands for "Common Era" and BCE "Before Common Era". The old Western system of BC/AD revolved around a religious figure that, because of incorrect calculations, would not have actually been born on the "start" year even if he had existed. The newer system, in addition to being used by academics and scholars, also acknowledges that other cultures did not use the same calendar systems as Western nations did and that the adoption of the Western system was just to make it easier in an Era of globalization.

2 points

Because not everyone is Christian. That would be like schools using B.M. (Before Muhammad) and some other abbreviation to represent the time period after his death. Can you see how that would annoy people?

1 point

The dates are still all centered round when a man was born and died, I feel like changing the name served no purpose but to draw attention to the fact that schools can have nothing to do with religion.