
Debate Info

Success Disaster
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:32
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 Success (12)
 Disaster (15)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Will Microsoft Windows 8 be a success or disaster?

Windows 8

WIndows 8 features the most dramtic changes to windows since the revoluionary design of Windows 95.

The Release of Windows 8 is October 26, 2012.


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 17
2 points

Will it sell like hotcakes? Absolutely. There's no reason for it not to, Microsoft are moving with the times, and adapting their product for the fastest growing demographic; the smartphone/tablet audience.

Does this make Windows 8 good? Absolutely not. Microsoft have abandoned the PC and laptop audience, who have been loyal to them for the past 25 years of Windows operating systems. The smartphone/tablet audience is young and fickle, and will be willing to boycott Windows at the drop of a hat if the service isn't top notch. While it will make Windows more money, it is disappointing to see them neglect their long time fan base.

With Windows doing this, and Macs being... Macs, now is a better time than ever to switch to Linux.

Side: Success

well i just consulted with bill gates and sat down in a chair meeting with the VP of marketing and so far it seems like its going to be BOMBTASTIC.

in a good way? i think so...

Side: Success
1 point

yes it may god knows will it will it be not ............ cant guess

Side: Success

Alhtough the new style is different from the traditional Microsoft Windows, it will probably be much more effective and efficient use of the computer as time goes by.

Side: Success
1 point

They have already made a couple of Windows OS's. So they should succeed

Side: Success
1 point

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Side: Success
0 points

yeah! i can bet mw8 gone a be successfull becaus it is cool so simple!

Side: Success
Banana_Slug(845) Disputed
1 point

Can you please explain me how the icon lets say icon for word which is 1 x 1 inch on Win7 became somehow better in size 3 x 6 inches ?

Side: Disaster
minecraft123(22) Disputed
1 point

higher resolution and flatter and clearer.

I love flat surfaces

Side: Success
3 points
Side: Disaster
CakeMask(79) Clarified
1 point

What the heck did you just link me to?!

Nice trap. Props to you.

Side: Success
1 point


Side: Disaster
1 point

You should never click on Chaffy's links.

Side: Disaster
1 point

Well, there is always flaws in every program, but will the new style grab the attention of buyers?

Side: Success
1 point


Total. effing. disaster.

At least I hope it is.

Turn my PC into an Xbox will you?



Side: Disaster
1 point

at least its not windows NT right? right? >.>

Side: Success

Come to the dark side of Linux... we have free software... oooohhhh!

Side: Disaster
CakeMask(79) Clarified
1 point

Tempting. Tempting.

Do you have games?

I really do like games.

Side: Success
1 point

It looks likes a fucking phone. Screw Windows 8.

Side: Disaster
1 point

Hey man, you're outdated. Go to the newsletter of Apple, etc. Experts have already expressed their views for it. It IS a disaster. Though it has some extraordinary features like Gatekeeper Security, etc. , it has much more disastrous features. It has many new changes, which are expected not to suit mobile professionals who are always on the go and have already become accustomed to WindowsXP and Windows7, etc.

Side: Disaster
1 point

I work in computer retail and have seen first-hand how Windows 8 works. it is already confusing our customers, who prefer the straightforward Win7 look, and it doesn't recover well from errors (the power to the laptops cuts out automatically every night- without giving them the chance to shut down. The Win7 laptops recover from this easily despite it happening every day for several months. The Win8 laptops have serious problems after a few days).

Side: Disaster
1 point

Not sure how long you have been in retail, but I wonder if there was as confusion with Windows 8 compared to the visionary Windows 95.

Again, it will take time for consumers to readjust to the new format, and I think Windows 8 will be for the better.

Side: Success
1 point

It's completely useless on desktop. I don't know why icons have to be sized as postcards. I'm not blind.

Side: Disaster
1 point

This debate on Windows 8 success or disaster presents interesting perspectives. IMR Digital, with their expertise in digital transformation and software development, can help businesses navigate these changes effectively. Leveraging their experience, they can guide organizations in making informed decisions about adopting new technologies like Windows 8.

Side: Disaster