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Yes Not Likely
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:35
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 Yes (12)
 Not Likely (19)

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daver(1770) pic

Will The Left Ever Figure It Out?

So far the left has not recognized the real reason they lost in November. Democrats have an opportunity to take back their party, if they see it an act. Will they rise up and purge theer party of the progressive/socialists, or will they be swallowed up? 


Side Score: 13

Not Likely

Side Score: 22
2 points

Apparently Democrats have been swallowed up by those who would bring us a socialist Utopia (You remember, the kind that has failed to emerge, EVERYTIME.) 😎

Side: Yes
2 points

Probably not. But the real problem is BOTH the left and right seem unable to figure out that it takes a balance to run a nation. Careful, because this constant polarizing may in fact be the end of the USA as we all knew it.

Side: Not Likely

It'll be the end of the UK, too. It's ridiculous in this day and age that we still have the two party system; we're stuck between choosing one extreme or the other, and there's no room for the ones with common sense who think that we should take ideas from the left and the right to make society work.

Moderates are the way forward (I say this being left-leaning but still moderate).

Side: Not Likely
2 points

We're similar. Good ideas can come from anywhere. And I say I'm moderate because although I lean left on social issues I pull back to the right when it comes to staying within the resources we have to work with.

Side: Not Likely
1 point

I assure you - a multi party system doesn't really solve anything.

Only a few parties would rise enough to the top at a time, and the number is almost never more than 3, generally 2.

(That's how it is in India.)

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Nick you want a world run by just Moderates ? How does that work in your world ?

Side: Yes
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

The 2 party system in America will be the end of the USA that is just insane. You Progressives were not concerned with the 2 party system when Obama was in orifice. What has changed for you ?

Side: Yes
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Wrong. I've been an independent moderate for decades and have criticized the choke hold of two party US politics repeatedly on this site. You don't debate specific people on this site, you debate just the general concept of what you imagine your opponent to be. Which means you really aren't even debating at all.

Side: Not Likely
2 points

What the left haven't figured out is human nature.

Most people are selfish, competitive, individualistic ( as demonstrated by the British 'Brexiteers', who voted for a return to national identity and self determination) and, generally unpleasant.

Those who do not possess all or any of the above human traits are usually the weak minded who want to pass the responsibility for their own lives over to others, preferably some group of benevolent politicians with a misplaced, outdated and grossly unfair ''Robin Hood mentality '', who will take the hard earned dosh of the innovators and the hard working and pass it over to the ''relaxing classes''.

Most positive people like to be creative, produce things and engage in profitable trading.

Although the loonie lefties criticise this capitalist system they're only too pleased to take the crumbs of the rich man's table rather than pick up the gauntlet of life's challenges and get ''stuck in''.

This is what I think the left will never understand.

Side: Not Likely
1 point

Democrats like Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, are the sole hope of their party. But there are too few like him. I fear that the party has lost itself, leaving the fight for our freedoms completely on the shoulders of Republicans.

Side: Not Likely
1 point

There are good and open minded people scattered among both parties. Yet when they try to question the party line they get labelled as RINOs or such.

Side: Not Likely
1 point

I will just quote the Left Wing Rag NPR -"Part of President Obama's legacy is the health of his party. He's had many successes in office β€” health care reform, climate change regulations, Wall Street reform β€” but his legacy will also include one huge failure: a diminished Democratic Party.

Every president sees his party lose hundreds of positions β€” it's the price a party holding the White House pays β€” but no president has come close to Obama. During Obama's eight years in office, the Democrats have lost more House, Senate, state legislative and governors seats than under any other president.

When Obama took office, there were 60 Democratic senators; now there are 46. The number of House seats held by Democrats has shrunk from 257 to 188.

There are now nine fewer Democratic governors than in 2009. Democrats currently hold fewer elected offices nationwide than at any time since the 1920's

Progressives will never figure out that Obama is the "Death Nail" of their party !

Side: Not Likely
daver(1770) Clarified
1 point

Obama's goal was to take our nation down a notch or two. He made this clear on his first apology tour? Speaking in Cairo, he said we were arrogant, overbearing and too smug in our dealings with other nations.

I've read his books and understand his views about colonial oppression. The thing his father fought against all of his life in Kenya. Obama sees us as colonial oppressors.

He had significant successes in his efforts to reduce our power in the world.

Our economy struggles under an additional 9 trillion dollars of debt. Our enemies openly mock us. North Korea, China, Russia all do as they please, knowing we will not react. Our allies see us abandoning them. We laughingly now lead from behind.

Side: Yes
1 point

The left does not know how to fight fairly, nor does the right..............................

Side: Not Likely
1 point

They have been drowned by the people we see repersenting them right now. Finding a leftist with common sense is rare. Take pride in that moment cause you may never get another one...

Side: Not Likely
1 point

Hillary 2020!

Side: Not Likely