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Debate Score:3
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ezekiel_roma(526) pic

Will a World Government End all wars?

I ve been thinking. What if the world just abolished all countries and governments and created 1 whole nation wherein we would all be called a single race and people are united by a common language and law. Would this bridge the gap of cultural differences and bring world peace?


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No, there would be another faction that rises up, havent you ever read 1984?

Obviously this faction would be greatly underpowered, but the terminator movies pretty much mirror what would happen if one government rose up.

There will always be an opposing side, always.

Side: No

There could end up being a schism within the government and it separating between two different sides resulting in a civil war.

Side: No
1 point

You cannot just erase human diversity of identity and opinion. Imposing a single world government is practically a guarantee for revolt and civil war.

Side: No