
Debate Info

Possible No way
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Possible (6)
 No way (4)

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Gokumohan(334) pic

Will humanity make it?

Will we find a way out of the universe before the end?


Side Score: 6

No way

Side Score: 4
1 point

Is this the in 2 billion yrs andromeda and the milky way crash? Or big crunch?

No, we'll be long dead by then.

Side: Possible

We either will or we won't.

We know that 90% of Earth's species have gone extinct, but we have no evidence suggesting there is a 90% chance a species like us will go extinct.

With that said, our chance to go extinct hasn't been eliminated, surely, but it seems to me as though our survival is almost totally assured on, at least, a global scale. Our population is tremendous and only bad luck and a lack of common sense between countries would cause us to perform acts of territoriality so terrible that would have no chance of recuperating as a species.

So ultimately, we will either live on to survive more and more things, or we will go extinct by something we could not scramble to overcome fast enough.

Either way, it's possible, at the very least. Evolution lets many things be plausible.

Side: Possible
1 point

If you are talking about the end of the universe, then if there are multiple universes we ought to be able to open wormholes by several billion years from now. Those could let us find a new universe and start anew.

Side: Possible

It depends if some country wants to start a nuclear war. Humanity would then end.

Side: Possible
1 point

Nope we won't find the way out of our universe because our universe is billions of years long or even more and a human can't live up to a billion years old you would die on your voyage to try to get out of this universe. So you would your time going as far as possible in space.

Side: No way
Gokumohan(334) Disputed
1 point

Nope we won't find the way out of our universe because our universe is billions of years long or even more and a human can't live up to a billion years old you would die on your voyage to try to get out of this universe. So you would your time going as far as possible in space.

A) Human ships will eventually become faster, perhaps MUCH faster

B) What about some reproducing family's?

P.S. Please respond

Side: Possible
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

A) Human ships will eventually become faster, perhaps MUCH faster

If you take our space ships they are slow so we wouldn't get far anyway and Obama is cutting down space program so there is no way you would try to get us out of the universe.

Also the more faster the ships become the more fuel it burn and you will slowly run out of fuel.

B) What about some reproducing family's?

So you would reproduce while on your journey?

P.S. I don't have to respond if I don't want to.

Side: No way
1 point

There is a German philosophy known as ''Kreigshund'' which means war dog. It states that humanity is self destructive and will always be at war in one war or another. You could also go with Von Clausewitz's theory about peace being but a preparation period for the next war.

Side: No way