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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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dlin99(186) pic

Will lowering the number of guns in the U.S. lower the number of deaths?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 4

I think so. Strict gun control is needed.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a startling revelation for 2015. It is projected that deaths from guns will surpass deaths from car fatalities in 2015. An estimated 33,000 Americans will lose their lives from guns as opposed to an estimated 32,000 Americans who will die in car accidents.

The gun violence in America is an American Shame!

Side: Yes
2 points

no because even id you do get rid of guns they can use a knife.

Side: No
dlin99(186) Disputed
1 point

You tell me. Do you see more gun deaths or knife deaths. Guns are also used at home and sometimes the owner accidntly shoots themselves.

Side: Yes
Vermink(1944) Disputed
1 point

Doesn't really matter what the toll of gun deaths are i'm just saying they could ban guns but if someone really wanted to kill someone then they could just use a knife...

Side: No
1 point

Tell you what. You, O Government, take away the guns from every police officer and militarian of the country, and I will feel a hell of a lot safer. Only then may I allow you to consider placing small restrictions on my own guns, such as keeping them away from my kids or not walking around outside with a loaded gun aimed at passersby. Tit for tat, O Government, tit for tat.

Side: No