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 Will you let Kukla back in For Another Year? (12)

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Kuklapolitan(4313) pic

Will you let Kukla back in For Another Year?

In 9 days I'll be here one year and I cannot believe the time has passed so quickly.  It's been fun and it's been hell but it's always been interesting.  Do you think I should go for a second year or shall I keep it at one?  Am I whining for recognition?  No, I'm simply curious if I've made a difference in any way on this site!  Cool

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2 points


No, just kidding. If you want. It's still a free country. I enjoy your input, but if you have better things to do, do them.

Is there anything better than having the respect of your peers? Like I said, I just hope I've made a difference on this site. Thanks PA.

2 points

Why would you even think about stopping for no reason?! I'd be devastated. :)

I don't see a you my little friend? Mick, you're the greatest!

1 point

Wow, time flies when you're having fun, right? Glad to know that you've been here a year Kukla, it has been nice getting to know you. Hope year number 2 is even better!

Side: Of course

It sure does surely does! I'm looking forward to it as well!

Side: Of course
1 point

Stay fa sho. :D You're a nice, open-minded and open-hearted(hehe...are you a methodist? :P) person, who I feel comfortable asking silly questions to. ;P

Side: Of course

That's very nice of you to say Awen...thank-you. No I'm not a Methodist, I'm a Lutheran, lol!

Side: Of course
1 point

You are second in the point total and losing you would be very devastating to this site.

Side: Of course

Thanks're always so sweet to me!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Side: Of course

Stick around. Someone has to straighten out these young whipper snappers.... besides, I need someone to balance my conservative views ;)

Side: Of course

Will do my good friend, will do!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Side: Of course