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 Would CreateDebate be more successful if something was done about the trolls and spam? (32)

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Taqwacore(668) pic

Would CreateDebate be more successful if something was done about the trolls and spam?

Would CreateDebate be more successful if something was done about the trolls and spam?

You know the trolls I'm talking about, the kind that ban you from taking part in a debate because you might have an opinion that is contrary to theirs (please note that no one is banned from any of my debates). Unfortunatly, there doesn't seem to be a mechanism to report these trolls and, when reports are made about abusiveness, nothing happens.


Is there anybody watching?


And what is the deal with all the spam? No, I don't want to buy a point of sales machine! Stop asking already!

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3 points

No, I do not think we would be more successful without the trolls...but, what spam are you receiving?

Banana_Slug(845) Clarified
3 points

Prodigee rarely post an actual argument, he makes fake debates and posts on both sides, he literally spams in debates by random stuff. His average is 160 posts a day...

I would appreciate some kind of "preban" option of some people during setting up a debate...

Chuz-Life ban every single person (without exception) who does not agree with his point of view... so what is the point?

Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

"Chuz-Life ban every single person (without exception) who does not agree with his point of view... so what is the point?"

He knows better

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

He means the kind of debates that have a for and against which are both the same side and are advertisements for a product and the creator/mod of the debate has only 1 point.

Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

Well, I'm sorry to see you say that.

That just tells me I need to start looking somewhere else.

Chuz-Life(497) Clarified
1 point

The trolls can have it.

1 point

Yeah go troll another site.

2 points

Please report these (using the reporting mechanism) when you see them. I clean as much as I can at least twice a day, but I don't have time to look through every debate. Thank you!

Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

Prodigee, Chuz, and Quocalimar. .

2 points


Trolls in this site should be removed together with their arguments. I came here to seek wisdom and not to waste time on trolls

1 point

But why would you want you're new best friend removed?

Centifolia(1319) Clarified
1 point

What best friend?.................................................

Probably, but I have recently joined a community that's designed to be free of that. If you want to join contact LittleMisfit.

Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

I tried.

No response.

The thing is, I think he has mistaken you as a troll. Though, there's a debate around here made with the link to page where you can ask to join. If you went to that page and have not been answered you were probably denied.

LittleMisfit(1745) Clarified
1 point

The reason I didn't approve your request to join is because you ban nearly everyone in your debates. What's the point of a debate if you just ban everyone? After you've created a few more debates and shown you don't ban everyone I might reconsider your request to join.

Sitara(11080) Disputed
0 points

It is not free of trolls if you joined. .

1 point

Please report these (using the reporting mechanism) when you see them. I clean as much as I can at least twice a day, but I don't have time to look through every debate. Thank you!

1 point

you exactly do you report a debate?

I'm of two minds about this.

On one hand, I agree, it's a problem. It's irritating having to filter through a handful of spam-esque posts for every good one you read. And some debate and users have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. They are blatant troll debates and troll users.

On the other hand one thing that I really like about CD as opposed to other debate sites is it's barely regulated. You can get off topic, you can be informal, you can post random funny shit, and you can talk shit for fun. These are all things I enjoy, but also thing that in the context of proper debating could be construed as trolling or spamming.

I understand it's a slippery slope fallacy, but I feel that any serious crackdown on the trolling, at least, would be the first step in making CD a more serious, formal debating site. And that very well could mean the end of genuinely funny joke debates, casual dialogue, off topic discussions, and shit talking members like Prodigee every time they spew the contents of their fetid mind all over this website.

Actually nix that last one... if there was a crackdown on trolls there would be no way members like Prodigee would last a day. So there would be no opportunity to shit talk them.

Ideally something would be done about at least the spamming and some of the more blatant trolls. I just hope it doesn't somehow interfere with the freedom and flexibility that have made me prefer CD to other debate sites.

Trolls provide comic relief on a variety of heated debates. Spam tests a person's patience. All are good. So embrace trolls and spam the way I embraced your mother last night.


So long as you're embracing her, bro....... she just needs to be loved.