
Debate Info

Yes, the would No, they would not
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes, the would (2)
 No, they would not (3)

Debate Creator

hhioh(454) pic

Would society be better off without personal connections to one another?

On the most basic levels humans bond through sexual intercourse and as the ladder goes up, through friendships and relationships.

Do these connections improve society, or would we be better off (as a whole) without them.



Yes, the would

Side Score: 2

No, they would not

Side Score: 4

yeah because then u wouldnt have to worry abt plesing otherp eople and being kind and all of that

Side: Yes, the would
2 points

We need others for our sanity at this point in our society. If you suddenly took away our connection with each other we would surely go insane.

We also depend on others to live, not just reproduce though you took away that obvious topic. We need others to help us live through getting food and shelter. It's just how it is.

Side: No, they would not

Society is founded on personal connections. What would glue be if it didn't stick things together? Not glue.

Side: No, they would not
likelikelike(15) Disputed
1 point

it would still be glue just not sticky + who needs a soicety anywayyyyyyyyyyy

Side: Yes, the would

this opinion is wrooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong

Side: No, they would not