
Debate Info

Yep Nope
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:18
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 Yep (9)
 Nope (8)

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MuckaMcCaw(1970) pic

Would you support a technocracy?

Though some different approaches/definitions exist, in general a technocracy would be a government run by technical experts. Usually taken to mean scientists and engineers, though more genral definitions may include oher kinds of experts. Either way, professional politicians would be removed and their replacements would be selected by the amount of skill and experience they have in their field.


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 9
1 point

If there was 100% transparency I could see myself supporting one.

Side: Yep
1 point

Is there a particular reason you need transparency in a technocracy but not in what we already have?

Side: Yep
1 point

No. In fact I find it degrading to be involved with an organization of any sort that keeps secrets from me. I think this US government is WAY too secretive. I think transparency would make us safer than secrecy.

Side: Yep
1 point

There are problems with that idea. People wouldn't get to vote any more. Plus, how the government would run would drastically change and have many unknowns. But, I know how bad everything is screwed up now and wouldn't mind a change.

Side: Yep
dalodus(31) Disputed
1 point

there could be voting. it would be possible to create a technocratic republic. although I guess Its not specified

Side: Nope
1 point

Ok, I was thinking that it was the people that are considered to be the biggest experts, but it doesn't have to be. The best experts could be pitted against each other. It wouldn't change much in my opinion. It would go from being forced to pick between 2 politicians who act the same to picking between 2 biologists who seem to act exactly the same.

Side: Yep
1 point

It would be possible for me to agree with one. and if it worked it would probably be the most efficient government to date... but I would need 100% transparency and i would want a voting system to be present even if its just for representation of the masses. i would also want the leader to maybe be elected by some sort of consul. but it could work.

Side: Yep
2 points

The concept is intriguing, but as of yet too underdeveloped for my personal preferences. Of most interest to me is the element of meritocracy and actual qualification for governance. I would like the system to retain some facet of empowerment opportunities for the common (non-technocrat) person, which this system does not at present appear to allow for.

Side: Nope
1 point

For now I'm choosing this side but I must ask. Why should we care that the person running our country knows how to build a car, or computer?

Side: Nope
1 point

I agree. It is rather unclear when you search the term how limited the technocracy would be (i.e. mostly engineers or scientists more generally, etc.).

Side: Nope
MuckaMcCaw(1970) Clarified
1 point

You wouldn't necessarily put engineers in the more administrative positions. For dealing with people you could choose, say, a psychologist. It doesn't have to be just the physical scientists either. A sociologist or cultural anthropologist could work too.

The point being that the people in power aren't just rich guys who know how to bamboozle the populace, but folks who are trained and experienced in objective observation, problem solving, data analysis and information pertinent to their position.

Side: Yep
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

I guess in this instance the issue I'm having is with the definition of "technocracy".

Though with your clarification I must now ask, wouldn't a stratocracy or meritocracy make more sense.

Side: Yep
1 point

Just because you can build a car or computer (as stated before) doesn't mean you know jack crap about government.

Side: Nope
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Just because you father owns a bunch of stuff and you can get businesses to back you until a bunch of strangers pick you to be a "leader" doesn't mean you know anything about government.

Side: Yep
DrawFour(2662) Clarified
1 point

I don't see this as a dispute to his argument, so much as I see it as an argument disagreeing solely with America's democracy.

Since the person your replied to didn't state that democracy is best, he only stated that technocracy is not best, it can be assumed that you both agree a change needs to be made, but just have not found out what that change is.

Side: Yep
1 point

Freaking A man!

Side: Nope
MuckaMcCaw(1970) Disputed
1 point

When I was growing up, our country was run by an actor. Like literally, a Hollywood actor. Many others are lawyers by trade, which is a little better, but still.

Most of the most powerful people in American government got their position through wealth and the ability to trick people into voting for them.

And learning how the Government functions isn't super-hard. I'm pretty sure someone with a doctorate in a technical field can figure it out, and then immediately start to look for ways to make it more efficient.

Side: Yep