
Debate Info

airplane cars
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:19
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 airplane (8)
 cars (8)

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epichero9x9(7) pic

airplane vs cars

which vehical is betterCool


Side Score: 9


Side Score: 9
1 point

Airplanes can carry hundreds of passengers around the world within a day, enhances globalization.

Side: airplane
john00(14) Clarified
1 point

The gym's functional cable machines are excellent for a full-body workout. They provide a wide range of exercises and help improve strength, stability, and overall muscular balance.

Side: airplane
1 point

Airplanes are safer.

Side: airplane
mithoo19(806) Disputed
1 point

airplanes accidents are frequent too. .

Side: cars
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

Not true... in the US, 40,000 die from car accidents each year, less than 1000 die from plane crashes.

Side: airplane

I would definitely be piloted around in an Airplane if I could afford something like that xD.

I would parachute out of it when reaching the destination. :)

Side: airplane

Of course ,,,,,, because it is more comfortable and funny

Side: airplane
1 point

For extra long distances, airplanes are safer, plus if you are going somewhere like south america, you don't have to cross the Mexican border by car, or deal with drug lords. There are more car accidents than plane accidents, and there are also more deaths by car accidents than by plane accidents. Planes are also much faster, so if you want to go somewhere far away, you can spend more times there than you do traveling, which is always nice, unless you just want a road trip. Cars can be nice because you can always just get out and make lunch/dinner/breakfast or go to a restaurant, but then again, airports have food, and there is a lot of food that you can actually bring onto an airplane with you. Other than airsickness and the effects of air pressure on the ears, flying in airplanes is, in my opinion, fun. I enjoy the feeling of getting off the ground, and I even like turbulence in moderation. As far as packing is concerned, I must admit that I prefer cars, since you don't have to worry about what you pack in what luggage. You want a knife? No problem. No TSA will take it if you're in a car. On the other hand, though, you can always pack it in your checked luggage, and the TSA won't give you any trouble, and sometimes, they can ship it ahead for you. While airplane's leg room isn't usually optimal, you can always get up and walk up and down the aisle in the middle of you flight. And, you have a chauffeur, AKA pilot. Oh, and by the way, if you are ever bored in an airport and feel like being random, salute to the pilots when you walk by them. Most of them have been in the air force, and they really appreciate it.

Side: airplane
1 point

public transport kind of fast travel and food served

Side: airplane

I say an airplane because an airplane can get you much faster to your point of destination.

Side: airplane

Airplanes are good for traveling long distances, but cars are more useful day to day. Cars can also be used for long distance traveling if necessary.

Side: cars
1 point

long drives are beautiful too .. :)

Side: cars
1 point

i prefer cars over airplanes. you can stop whenever you want wherever you want. its scenic too.

the most you get to see in an airplane are the clouds below, which get nauseating after a while =\

Side: cars
1 point

Firstly, travelling by cars is less expensive, therefore you can save your money

Secondly, cars are more suitable, because you can make a stop if it's necessary

The third reason is that cars can be used by everybody, but airplanes can't, brcause some people are afraid of flying, also cars don't depend on the weather and climate so much like airplanes, therefore if the weather is bad, your flight will be canceled and it will destroy all your plans.

Side: cars
1 point

i prefer cars to airplanes. You can go around enjoying the beauty of nature,the myraids of flowers around.If u find something interesting, u can stop and look around but that's not the case in airplanes, you need keep moving till ur destinations and u look off the windows u could just find those monochrome clouds.

Side: cars
1 point

From home to airplane and from airplane to your destination you use car :)

Side: cars