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Of course it can No, IQ test is sufficient
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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 Of course it can (5)
 No, IQ test is sufficient (10)

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dhruvgupta(19) pic

chess can measure intelligence better than IQ tests

IQ tests only measure maths and patterns, while chess measures more reasoning. Furthermore, even if you make a wrong move you can still come back in chess but in iq test 1 wrong answer will remain wrong no matter what

Of course it can

Side Score: 5

No, IQ test is sufficient

Side Score: 10
1 point

Furthermore, some maths formulas may not be known to all, which will make it difficult. Uneducated people can't do IQ test, doesn't mean they are not intelligent. On the other hand, chess basic rules can be taught in 10 minutes and anyone can play it. There are no language barriers nor writing issues.

Side: Of course it can
GeniusKid(14) Disputed
1 point

IQ tests don't test math formulae. The legitimate ones (e.g. Mensa's) are mostly based on stuff like pattern recognition. Pattern recognition can be done by anybody, and excellence in this area points to a higher ability to link data which is what intelligence is mostly about. You can ask a child living on the streets to some simpler IQ test-style questions involving patterns and they should be able to give the correct answer, because humans were evolved to be able to link ideas (and in this case, pictures of patterns).

However, chess needs training. While it is quite true that people with higher intelligence tend to be good at chess even without training as they have higher reasoning/strategic skills, that doesn't mean that people who suck at chess the first time are dumb. People usually need to be trained to achieve grandmaster standard at chess as they need practice. And anyway, in a book written by a chess grandmaster, he says that chess grandmasters don't rely that much on calculation to calculate their next moves- instead they recognise situations they may have encountered before (in practice) and then know how to react with some genius queen sacrifice or whatnot.

While I don't think IQ tests are EVERYTHING to measure intelligence, they still play quite an important part. Competence in chess games, strategy games etc are merely a small part of it. Thus, IQ tests are more indicative of actual intelligence.

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient
1 point

Not really. Everyone can not become a grandmaster by training.

Side: Of course it can
0 points

Of course chess can measure intelligence better than IQ tests........relating to playing chess. Whoever is more intelligent about how to play the game will win.......but it's only a game. If chess was an accurate measure of intelligence, then I could easily prove that I am the most intelligent person here because I have little doubt that I would wipe you all off the board pretty easily in a chess game......therefore nobody is going to concede that chess is a measure of intelligence.

Side: Of course it can

Humble yourself false prophet.*

Side: Of course it can
1 point

If you actually can defeat us in chess, then it must surely be a terrible measure.

But, well, debates are a good measure.

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient

IQ tests are specialised for the purpose. You can't really take back moves in chess whenever you like. And every move follows from the move before. The rating depends only on who you defeat and lose against in each match.

While in the IQ test, you can attempt the questions in any order you want to. They are based on a different set of calculations, on which it is observed that a person would perform fairly consistently throughout their lifetime. The only way to conclude that chess is better would be to assume that a person will play the game with consistent skill throughout his life, and that this is the skill level that he will have gained just by learning the game.

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient
JatinNagpal(2678) Clarified
1 point

Also, I hate how you have named this side "IQ tests are sufficient" and the other one "Of course it can".

Though, obviously, I doubt even then the claim is any valid.

Side: Of course it can
1 point

Do you play chess at all? A good chess player is often they guy that has taken the time to memorise strategy.

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient

I quite like chess, but I hate draughts, especially during a cold windy night.

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient
1 point

Of course chess can measure intelligence better than IQ tests........relating to playing chess. Whoever is more intelligent about how to play the game will win.......but it's only a game. If chess was an accurate measure of intelligence, then I could easily prove that I am the most intelligent person here because I have little doubt that I would wipe you all off the board pretty easily in a chess game......therefore nobody is going to concede that chess is a measure of intelligence.

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient
1 point

Chess is a game where an unintelligent practised player can defeat an inexperienced genius.

If both have equal experience and practise of the game then whoever wins is more a matter of who focused more than who was more intelligent. Chess is an equation, not a 'game'.

Poker, on the other hand, that's a game and a fun one at that.

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient
1 point

Cut out the bit about poker and I agree with you. :)

It's like saying an uneducated genius who doesn't know the formula for are of a circle is dumber than an educated dude who just memorised it without even knowing what it means.

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient
instig8or(3308) Disputed
1 point

I wont cut it out.

Side: Of course it can
1 point

Chess measures nothing except how well somebody can play that one little game. It does not come remotely close to addressing as many aspects of intelligence as do the more comprehensive IQ tests. Which take into account mathematics; written and verbal acuity; logic; reasoning; grammar; and problem solving skills.

A person who is otherwise retarded, and cannot even read a map or READ, fer chrissakes, can be an excellent chess player. Like some of those idiot savants, like the rain man, who can't even function in society. But can master a game like chess, or a musical instrument.

I know a few good chess players who are otherwise pretty much dumbasses. Like this one dude, who I play hockey with on weekends. He is a great chess player, I think he was ranked something like # 87 in our entire state last year. But he works in a car detailing place and has only a h.s. education--GED I think--and only a middling IQ.

But he learned to play chess so well from playing it every day while he spent three years in prison.

So...there's your chess for ya.




Side: No, IQ test is sufficient
1 point

If you really want to test your intelligence, then I advise you to try sports forecasts. This is a difficult task that stands between a pure sport like chess and an abstract test. I can suggest you start with Anyone who learns to draw the right conclusions from all the statistics of the season will become incredibly developed intellectually (and potentially rich)

Side: No, IQ test is sufficient