
Debate Info

halo all the way no way halo sucks go cod!
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 halo all the way (6)
 no way halo sucks go cod! (4)

Debate Creator

luner124(37) pic

halo vs cod

halo all the way

Side Score: 8

no way halo sucks go cod!

Side Score: 4
2 points

Halo is way more fun I play halo with my cousin and wasn't bad then we tried cod and I sucked :( but I love halo XD

Side: halo all the way
1 point

Who doesn't love killing aliens with super awesome laser guns and pulse rifles. You can actually use jet packs, decoys, shields, invisibility etc. And you can create awesome maps in forge- and ride beastly vehicles. The Falcon and Banshee actually let you take to the skies until some troll smashes you with a rocket launcher or fuel rod gun...

Halo is more epic and has more variety to what you can do.

Side: halo all the way
2 points

thanks for your great answer,

thanks sincerely luner124

god!!! stupid 50 words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: halo all the way
1 point


Side: halo all the way
1 point

Don't know what cod is so......... HALO ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: halo all the way
Hellno(17724) Clarified
3 points

Cod is delicious when prepared correctly.

Side: halo all the way
luner124(37) Clarified
1 point

dude your on the wrong side.....? _-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-___-_-------------------------------------------_-

Side: halo all the way
1 point

I wouldn't say Halo sucks lol but i prefer COD because of the type of gameplay it offers. More down to earth with real weapons and tactics. The games are more desireable for me. I want to say that COD takes more skill to play in tournaments because you have to be quicker off the trigger than halo but i know i'll get hell for that one lol.

Side: no way halo sucks go cod!
1 point

i prefer halo but that's a very good point.................

Side: no way halo sucks go cod!
1 point

I like Call of Duty better. I never played halo before and by the looks of it. Its not good.

Side: no way halo sucks go cod!
1 point

halo is not realistic enough. C.O.D. is a real world situation. i'd rather be the u.s. fighting a war then an alein squirtin someone with plasma

Side: no way halo sucks go cod!
xSoto76x(13) Disputed
1 point

It's not realistic at all its the same garbage graphics every single year.

Side: halo all the way