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god no god
Debate Score:81
Total Votes:84
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 god (24)
 no god (30)

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flamedude(6) pic

is god real

i dont really care what you guys put im christian i dont wish hell on any one u belive in what u wantCool


Side Score: 36

no god

Side Score: 45
2 points

I believe there is more to this world than what we see everyday whether it is God, the Great Spirit, Wakan Tanka or what I don't know but I believe there is some kind of supreme being or beings

Side: god
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

Why do you believe that ?

Side: no god
TheAshman(2298) Disputed
1 point

I don't have any good arguments to explain why, its just what I believe, maybe its wishful/hopeful thinking, I just think there's more to existence than meets the eye, its not neccesarily God as in a bearded old guy sitting on a cloud but I just believe in some form of higher power be that God or whatever people choose to call it.

Side: god
2 points

God is everything. We are all God, God isn't someting distinct from what we see, experience and think.

Side: god
2 points

What is dark matter and dark energy? Are they not things that we believe to exist which we know very little about? Could one say they have properties of being supernatural? Isn't God defined as being supernatural?

Side: god
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

How is dark matter supernatural? How is it related to god?

Side: no god
1 point

Well somethings is space can seem supernatural like the collapse of a star or some super cool brown dwarfs. Like the ones the burn at like 500k. Dark energy seems to have some supernatural properties. He just means that maybe a being could be doing that which can always seem silly. But hey it is just a theory.

Side: god
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Noxo, What makes something supernatural, is when it fits the definition.

Supernatural: 1) of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe.

Side: god
2 points

I personally believe God is real. I believe that one day through science we may even encounter him.

Side: god
2 points

Many might say we already have, some people just don't see it that way

Side: god
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

How ? :D

Side: no god
OddHannah(313) Disputed
1 point

How? I am not sure. I dont know how to do all the stuff scientists can. I just think one day we could find God.

Side: god
1 point

god is real its been prov by science god im a christian so pick what you wamt

Side: god
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
4 points

Really now? Care to site this so called "proof"? Because i can site the big bang and evolution with all the evidence in the world to support them as well as historical evidence disproving your bible's claims. Balls in your court.

Side: no god
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
2 points

How can you cite them as disproving the Bible? Granted the big bang and evolution is only support of the bibles claim not the "end all be all" but how do you make the jump from proving to disproving?

Side: god
3 points

I'm with you but their are several convincing arguements out their that will persuade you otherwise unless you know you're stuff

Side: god
2 points

It has not been proven by science, if it was then every one would be a theist and also all scientists would be theist, which isn't true as studies show religious belief decreases with education levels.

Side: no god
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

god is real its been prov by science

I would like some details :D

Side: no god
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

Its more like it hasn't been disproven by science. Science is a way for us to understand the natural world. As be it all concepts to understand it are created by us, it is subjective to the persons own mind the conclusions drawn from the observations made by science are also subjective.

Side: god
1 point

God is real because in the bible it states he is, obviously you guys are just immature stupid kids who don't know what they're talking about.

Side: god
5 points

I will not make the positive claim that "there is no god" because i dont know if there is or not. That being said NOBODY knows if there is or not because there is no proof that there is one or not because gods are untestable. Maybe we'll never know but as it stands right now there is FAR more evidence supporting a natural universe with a natural causation than a space wizard poofing it into existence.

Side: no god
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
2 points

How did the universe begin? Both ex nihilio and the singularity of the big bang defy physics, doesn't that imply something beyond the physical realm intiated things?

Side: god
AveSatanas(4443) Clarified
2 points

If they defied physics then they would've been thrown out...they're both physics theories..they're supported by physics a book would ya? And for what seems like the hundredth time to you people, EVEN if these theories WERE to be proven false that would not automatically mean god was the only theory left. Your god will never be an answer to that question because your god is based in myth not science. These theories would be replaced with alternative ones, probably branching from the science that would've disproven them. There's also quantum graphity that comes to mind. That's also another theory. Less evidence for it but still way better than god.

Side: god
Nox0(1393) Disputed
1 point

Both ex nihilio and the singularity of the big bang defy physics

No, it does not.

Side: no god
2 points

God is as real as Gandalf, Hulk, tooth fairy or Goaulds :D

Side: no god
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
0 points

Educate yourself:

Suggested reading list:

1. Religion and Science by Russell Bertrand (Oxford Press by the way)

2.God: The Evidence: The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Postsecular World by Patrick Glynn

3. The Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom by Gerald L. Schoelder

4. The Language if God: A scientist Presents Evidence for Beliefs by Francis S. Collins

Just a short off the top of my head

Side: god
Nox0(1393) Clarified
1 point

None of them offered any proof at all. They are philosophy papers. Nothing to do with actual science. There no evidence for god.

Side: god

There is no reason to say other wise, there has never been any given evidence of a higher power.

Side: no god
2 points

I honestly am shocked and laughing at the comment "God is real and was proved by science" I do not know what science shows he watches but it's clearly in a "Christian approved" book.

We could in fact say the exactly opposite yet same thing. God has proved himself wrong, or more accurate to say Christians have prov-en god wrong.

1. The bible states that the world was created something like 5000 years ago if I'm correct. Okay so what about all the hard proof and items that existed before that time? 5000 was roughly when man developed farming and agriculture.

2. Noah's Ark: There's no possible way it could have happened, the world's atmosphere and oceans hold no where near enough to even graze the surface of the the mountains let alone cover the highest peaks. Also if they were the only ones who survived what proof is there that what Noah said was true? There is zero hard evidence for God it is all 100% rumors, gossip and hearsay.

3. A lot of what the bible said has now been prov-en wrong many times. The world is much much older than the bible says and that is now a hard fact and I don't understand people who still believe that all this "Evidence" is lies. How stupid or brainwashed can you be?

4. The attitude and rudeness of "Christians". I quote them because these days they are very extreme on their side. There's no open minded polite Christian any more, when I try and give my side and good reasons they simple yell at me for being a person going to hell or they say I am a terrible person who doesn't love man. I'm sorry but I read the bible, to me it was an instruction of how to be a slave. A man not allowed to bury his dead father? Selfish? Jesus was a cold hearted hateful human hating person. The bible basically says "Do not live for yourself, live for me, an invisible unknown all powerful being that you will never be given any proof exists" If that isn't slavery I don't know what is.

Don't take this as me saying god is bad and any deity is bad, I am a mixed belief person. I believe in higher beings or "God" just not the Christian god, he is clearly the devil. Prov-en by religion itself.

I sway more for the Japanese Shinto, not the same deities but I believe in the same thing, there is no almighty being but there are deities which watch over us and our planet, one for the oceans and one for the earth and sky etc. Because in the end we live thanks to our planet. And it makes much more sense, we are killing the planet so the deities won't protect us. They provide us with a safe healthy place to live. We have to respect that and respect them, Shinto is an excellent from of religion.

Buddhism is also another which I follow for there is no God but a way of life, one simply follows rules to being a good human being enlightened and attaining greater wisdom and knowledge.

Also to add that when you Christians were in charge if we brought up the fact that we thought god didn't exist we were burned at the stake, we provide hard evidence and debates, and we are label'd as the rude ones and aggressive ones.

Side: no god

flamedude? that sounds kind of gay! but anyway no! the bitch isnt real

Side: no god