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Debate Score:18
Total Votes:21
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davidtaback(12) pic

is hillary clinton trustworthy?

hillary clinton is or is not trustworthy


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 8
2 points

Hilary Clinton is an astute and experienced politician who has tremendous energy and a female's six sense. She is well able to assess the domestic position of the United States whilst keeping a close eye on foreign affairs. She took time out from her hectic itinerary to assist in the establishment of the ''Peace Process'' in Northern Ireland. Her significant roll in this process which has saved countless lives is indicative of her strong character and persuasive personality. She most certainly can be trusted to do what's best for America and it's allies.

Side: yes
1 point

Hillary Clinton had one little screw up and that was with her email. All the government has to do is check the email that she sent and she will be fine

Side: yes
1 point

so what you are saying is that clinton is not allowed to have a personal life outside of presidency? That is not the requirement for the job

Side: yes
1 point

hillary clinton is the best around and nobodys going to bring her down

Side: yes
Killinder(4) Disputed
2 points

Many people on both sides are better than her, she will never earn anyone's trust ever. That's just her style, to lose everyone's trust because she thinks she can do anything because of being the wife of a FORMER president.

Side: no
1 point

The wife of a former president, a former Senator, and a former Secretary of State.

Nice try.

Side: yes

I trust Hillary. She could not have been Secretary of State if she wasn't trustworthy.

Side: yes
2 points

No, next question!

Side: no
1 point

Money scandals, personal emails, 'charity' funds, the list goes on and on. Hilary Clinton is not trustworthy! With the emails, she had about 2 weeks to delete all emails that were in her opinion 'personal', what I really think is that she deleted incriminating emails so as to save her own hide. With all this 'charity money' going into her campaign, I raise the question "is she accepting more money from one person than legally allowed?". If you even have to wonder that, then it just proves that she is not trustworthy. She could have erased the emails from her database, and she also knew that having a personal database was against the law. And the emails are not the only thing that make me think she is not trustworthy David.

Side: no
Killinder(4) Clarified
1 point

She could have erased the emails from her database, and she also knew that having a personal database was against the law. And the emails are not the only thing that make me think she is not trustworthy David.

Side: yes
Killinder(4) Clarified
1 point

She is allowed to have a life outside of SECTARY OF STATE (not president David) but not have them intermingle. And yes that is a requirement of the job.

Side: yes
1 point

She's old. She smells. Put two and two together and the decision is made. Are you doing something too? Cause I'm just here justifying my claim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: no
1 point

Hillary can be trusted to always manipulate situations and events to her personal best interests first. She can be reliably trusted to continue lying about the Benghazi video, exaggerating the truth as in Bosnia, breaking the law then destroying the evidence as in her email scandal, selling influence as in half million dollar speeches coincident with favors to foreign interests. She can be trusted to employ people like Blumenthal, when told specifically not to.

But at this point "What difference does it make"

Side: no
1 point



Side: no