
Debate Info

cha bro nah thats whack
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 cha bro (5)
 nah thats whack (3)

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vandebater(443) pic

prisoners given a life sentence (25 years) should be given the choice of death.

should the alternative choice of death to a life sentence be given


cha bro

Side Score: 5

nah thats whack

Side Score: 3
1 point

Yes I think they should kill them that's why some of the prisons are overpopulated if they would just kill them it would be a lot easier.

Why can't they be like how Singapore does with the caning?

Side: cha bro
vandebater(443) Disputed
1 point

I meant give them the choice of death. Is that what your talking about cause it sounds to me like you said "kill them" as in execute instead no choice. is that what you mean?

Side: cha bro
1 point

I'm sure my reasoning will be argued but...

If they're locked up for life, why not give them the choice to die?

If they're locked up for life, they did something a judge and jury believe shouldn't be let back out and will not learn their lesson.

Side: cha bro
vandebater(443) Disputed
1 point

no but a life sentence is 25 years. .

Side: cha bro
1 point

No, I'm against killing people and I am also against life penalty.

I think to lock up a person for life, what good is that gonna do?

Give him the punishment he will learn from. No one will learn anything from rotting up in jail.

Side: nah thats whack
vandebater(443) Disputed
1 point

A life sentence in canada is 25 years not life. I think the argument that wins this debate is this one: This choice should be given for 2 reasons

1. it doesn't hurt anyone besides the person with the choice

2. Its a choice, so not EVERYONE has to do it.

The point is this choice will only be made by people it would benefit, an exclusive group of people. Say a person has a disease and has a life expectancy of 20 years. They may just want to die then spend their life in jail. And because its just an alternative if it helps just one person in a million years it was worth it. Our system remains intact with maybe one or two people benefitting.

Side: cha bro

Why give them a choice? Just off them. Who wants to pay taxes to keep some criminal alive for 25 years ;)

Side: nah thats whack
1 point

I don't think so, because they still have the opportunity to get out after a while with parole.

You're not really in a position to make a life-death decision after being given a sentence like you've described. Obviously most people would want death then and there, but eventually once you realize there is an chance to be let out eventually I think there's a much different perspective.

Side: nah thats whack