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 religious thought is an inversion of reason (2)

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Dawazilu(139) pic

religious thought is an inversion of reason

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religious thought is an inversion of reason

Sure, but that includes atheism. Atheism is just an inverted conclusion based on the same inverted reasoning.

Dawazilu(139) Disputed
2 points

Sure, but that includes atheism.

No, atheism is a fact. There is literally no possibility of their being a God and even if there was something like it the label of God is inherently arbitrary. First of all God is a title, not a description of what something is. A God is God (if it hypothetically existed) because it is worshiped, in the same way that Trump is president because people take his authority seriously. If no one believed Trump was president, then no one would respect his authority thus he would have none and without being worshiped any hypothetical God would just be whatever it is whether it be an alien, a creative spirit or whatever else.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I have to agree with your first part. The second is easily questioned. Some worship Trump as President, (like Chinaman), I wouldn't call him one … or take his "authority" seriously. He is the current occupier of the White House, isn't showing ANY authority worth respecting. He's ANYTHING BUT a "creative spirit", sadly.

We could USE a respected President today …. rather than a "somewhat worshipped" hypothetical. :-(