
Debate Info

yeah, course! no way!
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 yeah, course! (1)
 no way! (1)

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sskbest(31) pic

should a cloned human be justified as "human"???

cloning is becoming a big issue these days. Especially when we humans have already cloned a lot of animals, many believe that human cloning will be proceeded, and the clones will provide organs and body parts that we need. Some however, say that these cloned humans should be made "human" and have the same rights as us. One movie that shows two sided perspectives to cloning is "Island", quite known for its show of cloning. So what do you thinK???

yeah, course!

Side Score: 1

no way!

Side Score: 1
1 point

cloned people can later think, and do what they wish. As long as they have a mind, and can think for themselves, they are just like us. Lets move our positiion to a cloned person. You are a cloned person, and you are about to be cut open, and your body parts will be taken away, you'll be killed, and most importantly, this is done without your permission or will. How would you feel?

Side: yeah, course!
komusic(10) Disputed
1 point

So animals don't feel bad they are being killed? Of Course they do! Yet we go ahead filling our plate with their meat! Your argument would also apply to cloned animals as they too can think for themselves and decide their course of actions based on what is good for themselves.

Side: No way!
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