
Debate Info

single sex schools co-ed schools.
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 single sex schools (2)
 co-ed schools. (5)

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Debatekid(7) pic

single-sex or co-ed schools?

single sex schools

Side Score: 2

co-ed schools.

Side Score: 6
1 point

Yes, single sex schools are good as long as they are taught by sodomite men who can teach the boys to bend over and not be homophobic.

Side: single sex schools

When grown up and forced to get a job they will most likely have to work with the opposite sex, and since men and women are different it's important to teach our kids to work together from an early age.

Side: co-ed schools.

We;ve done this debate before, but I'll respond anyways:

I can see no legitimate argument against co-ed schools. In a world that accepts the existence of sexualities beyond heterosexuality, the argument that separating genders to 'prevent distractions' is ridiculous. There are not enough, if any topics that only one gender needs to know or that one gender needs to be taught in a different way. Separating genders at an early age will only perpetuate ideas in children mind that the genders are separate and deserve separate treatment, thus leading to an increase in sexism.

Side: co-ed schools.
Saintnow(3684) Disputed
1 point

I think they should have schools which are same-sex only, and all sodomites. That way, AIDS will not spread so much in the community but it will be more of a boys classroom study.

Side: single sex schools
1 point

I'm curious as how you found this to relate to the topic. Do you think that sodomy is a large problem in our schools? Do you think the spread of AIDS is due to co-ed schools?

Side: co-ed schools.
1 point

anything else creates problems that we don't need.... the whole POINT of school is to socialize and learn how to interact with others... leaving out HALF the population from that experiences is dooming that child to a life of frustration and failure.

Side: co-ed schools.

Building separate schools for segregating genders would be a foolish economic burden.

Side: co-ed schools.