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for Against
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Against (4)

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ericacampos(25) pic

texas government assistance

Texas should drug test foodstamp recipients under probable cause.


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1 point

Who is going to pay for the drug testing because the government has enough problems with funding for public assistance? Drug test are costly, unnecessary, and inappropriate. Drug testing someone for TANF can violate there rights. Amendment number 4 .

Side: Against

In Florida, where this was first tried, the cost of the drug testing was orders of magnitude higher than the 'savings' from the very small proportion of those who tested positive and were denied benefits.

That said- Utah, when trying this, appeared to save money; they spent $30,000 total on drug tests, and 12 individuals tested positive; it is claimed that these 12 people together would have received $350,000 in benefits were they not screened out. This does not take into account the logistical and staffing costs associated with the testing, only the cost of the tests themselves. All told, they may have broken even, may have even turned a net 'profit' in this, but it's marginal at best.

The numbers don't add up. The only reason for doing this is on principle, and our national debt does not put us in any position to throw money away on such a principle.

Side: Against
1 point

First, prove that "many" people abuse welfare. Then prove that drug abuse is a significant direct cause of that abuse. Next prove that drug testing would curtail that abuse. Finally, address the classist overtones in the policy and the civil rights repercussions. Then I may consider this a legitimate proposal.

Side: Against
1 point

Everyone else is against it so I'll sheep the norm.

Side: Against