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Sign if you think Palestine should become a recognised state.

Palestine was, for want of a better word, invaded by the zionists claiming it was their land because of their religions ( baring in mind many people at the time were simply American Jews who had no ties to the land.) They have no right to be there. I realise now the majority of the population was born there so we can't exactly kick them out, beause kicking people out of their home country is wrong ( You listening Benyamin?) They only need a small amount of land so naturally I object to the on going construction of settlements. 

I just have to see who actually cares about this country, or who's been brainwashed by the zionists in to feeling sorry for them. Around 1.6 million palestinian civilians have been killed because Israels refusal to back off and over 5 million have been forced to leave.

I am not saying get rid of the Zionists, simply asking that Palestine be a recognised state and that the construction of settlements is stopped. Give back some of the land you have stolen!

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