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TedHonderich's Reward Points: 53

Points When What Where
1 Created Debate Now we know why Democrats didn't want us to see all of the Jan 6 video
2 Added Argument Will the government default on it's $31.4 trillion debt?
1 Created Debate Remembering when Dems impeached Trump for pointing out Biden's corruption
5 Created Debate Trump's actual Tweets on January 6th don't show the media's fake narrative
5 Created Debate Ilhan Omar is openly antisemitic. Excon has nothing to say about it
1 Created Debate Remembering when Obama met with Farakhan who wants Jews exterminated
1 Created Debate Republicans hint at investigation into FBI, DOJ if they retake the House
2 Added Argument I'm fine with teaching lgbtq ideology to kids in school if Bible is taught too
1 Added Argument I'm fine with teaching lgbtq ideology to kids in school if Bible is taught too
1 Added Argument Democrats fleeing the party in massive numbers
1 Added Argument Isn't Disney great. Real boys and real girls can play with boy-girls and girl-boys.
1 Added Argument The reason most men have not slept with 2 women at the same time is because
1 Added Argument Are kids in cages still Nazi death camps
2 Created Debate In the Book 1984, it is the fall of Capitalism that brings on the dystopian police state
0 Downvoted Argument #TraitorTrump and ‘TRE45ON’ trend nationwide as outrage grows: LOCK HIM UP!
0 Downvoted Argument #TraitorTrump and ‘TRE45ON’ trend nationwide as outrage grows: LOCK HIM UP!
0 Downvoted Argument #TraitorTrump and ‘TRE45ON’ trend nationwide as outrage grows: LOCK HIM UP!
0 Downvoted Argument #TraitorTrump and ‘TRE45ON’ trend nationwide as outrage grows: LOCK HIM UP!
-1 Downvoted Argument Left wing social media mass suspends Conservatives and Donald Trump
-1 Downvoted Argument Who has the most white privilege on this site
-1 Downvoted Argument Who has the most white privilege on this site
-1 Downvoted Argument Who has the most white privilege on this site
-1 Downvoted Argument Who has the most white privilege on this site
-1 Downvoted Argument Who has the most white privilege on this site

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