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RSS 11111

Reward Points:1
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Often in the course of life we are brought together due to a single event in tragedy or celebration. One pivotal moment that unifies the world for a moment in time. Often these events remain in our memory bank for generations to come. The significance of these events may not be felt to its full impact right away, but over time they take on a whole new meaning that is personalized and manifested into some life changing path.

Every four years (now every two if you count the Winter and Summer games as one) the world unites with the best athletes in the world representing the flag, culture, history, and beliefs of their motherland. Regardless of sport or finish, they stand in the forefront of an entire nation whether it is 3 million or 1 billion citizens. It is a burden that many spend their entire lives preparing for. The thought of spending most of your upright life practicing for a chance to show the world in just a few minutes or seconds that you are the best this planet has to offer is amazing. This is an overwhelming thought to have running through your head.Sports are about teamwork, competition, victory, defeat, growth, endurance, strength, intelligence, drive, passion, inspiration, desire, motivation and honor. They stand for all the qualities we can ever dream of having.

1 point

I think olympics may bring whole world together by participating in olympics and ignore foreign policies because there should be unity among the world.We should not speak trash words and tease the other team if they win or lose.We should play every game as friendly game not as enemy game.

I conclude in sport there will be a winner and loser.

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