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RSS 21dailb2003

Reward Points:5
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is true because if you miss your period in 4 weeks, your PREGNANT and that's not good, especially if you are at a young age. Sometimes it might coming late because your body still trying to get used to your period flow. So, it is true.

1 point

i think that people should still read books but have electronics to find information. instead of text books. text books can have some false information too. because text books could be 10 years old and your trying to find the population of the us in the recent year.

1 point

Electronics should replace books because ELECTRONICS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

Electronics should replace books because they can have 100 times more information than books. Once books are broken, they can't be fixed unless they're taped, glued, or stapled. Electronics can be recharged over and over again. If you get electronics that are waterproof, now that's a good thing to use for younger kids that are using electronics. Electronics can get new things all the time, while books only have the same thing over and over again. I say if you like books, but you think that electronics are better, they're a better thing to use.

2 points

School uniforms SHOULD be banned. They should because kids can't show color.

1 point

School uniforms are a BAD idea. Kids won't be able to show their color.

1 point

No, they shouldn't have summer homework because could lose time and kids can't have a fun summer day. Summer homework could also ruin family and friends time. Also kids could miss a special occasion that they need to attend to. So I say NO!

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