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RSS 3e4Dave

Reward Points:11
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

No because there are still bigger problems which are causing great distress to the world. This includes global warming, political corruption and other forms of economic damage to global marketing.

0 points

Yes as the world currently faces more global sexuality assault, sex change, hormone mutation whatsoever.

2 points

In my point of view, life is valuable. If suicide is legalized, many of the younger generations will lose the contextual view that life is valuable and start treating suicide as a game. People commit suicide mainly because they feel that the world is real unfair to them or have been pushed to the far end of life to continue living, that is only then that these people view suicide as the only way out. In the current terms of murder, assault whatsoever, one can view suicide as murdering oneself and giving oneself the unnecessary death penalty, so should suicide become legalized, we will lose more kids and have a weaken community which could damage the country. Hence, suicide and euthanasia should not be legalized.

1 point

I do agree with this statement. In my point of view, childhood seems to be nothing but education and stress, and the holidays are meant to be a break period of the children to rest. However, some schools think that the kids will be bored and make use of this rest time to bombard our kids with homework!

1 point

The school isn't the only place we can learn or gain knowledge. Although it is true that the school is the main location for learning, most of the lessons take place indoors and only on certain occasions outdoors. Critical thinking cannot be boosted from schools as there are no real-life situations where one's decisions will cause consequences, be it good or bad. The main difference in the link of critical thinking and creativity can also mean 2 different things as critical thinking can only boost creativity power but not developing that power completely. In addition, activities held by the schools can help improve or deprive one's creativity by embedding the school's and not the person's personal ideas into the mind, making the person lose the proper ability to create new ideas and hence CRUSHING the creativity

1 point

School in many ways have a holistic approach in our education, however, this approach only applies to a specific value in our learning progress and are not targeted in areas that requires creativity. The school only teaches things we should know and not things we must know which requires one to think from any imaginable aspects or perspectives. By this method, the "creativity juice" we once possessed would have dried up by the time we leave school, resulting in society that has no creativity due to schooling. Schools also ahere to strict rules and guidelines that are not flexible enough to target different students talents and creativity and unexpectedly, kill the talents and creativity

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"I am someone who has strong points to debate with."

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Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Singapore

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