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RSS 65Marcus

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

There are too many creatures that have irreducible complexity to have evolved even if it was possible to have a mutation that was useful it would have to be coupled with many more to make it work. They would have to be in the RIGHT PLACE in combination with the others waiting and the right size.

1 point

Something of what you say is true, but I read an article in a nation paper not too long ago that talked of the deceit of scientists who bend facts and do not give the full truth so that they may get their work published or attract funds for their project, Scientist are not always above corruption.

1 point

A vacuum is space, space is something no matter what your definition. According to the laws of thermodynamics neither materials nor energy need a beginning or end... How do you go about proving that? The high energy cost of producing matter from nothing tells me more than it tells you. There is no high energy when you have nothing. The fact that you may be able to produce anything from nothing tells me that you had to apply intelligence to the operation. The energy and intelligence to create suns that are as large as our solar system from nothing requires energy beyond comprehension. I believe the second law of thermodynamics also states that things start at a peek and deteriorate thereafter. I heard Stephen Hawkins on TV saying "We now Know that the Universe appeared from nothing". Meaning I think that there was a time when it was thought that everything as always been. Science changes and gives itself new theories when it hits a brick wall. By the way The Bible states that God created everything from things that cannot be seen. I am glad that you say if there is a God. I would like that level of honesty displayed by atheists on these bloggs. I notice you didn't take on explaining the full cycle of the butterfly. there are thousands more. I heard an interview on TV the interviewer asked the evolution scientist the one I ask above and his reply was "There are plenty of examples of that" So now we all know how it is possible?

1 point

You cannot have the big bang without a miracle and something to produce it. 0 + 0 = 0. Anyone proving you can will be god. Scientists change their minds like water. In my lifetime I was told that evolution took 2 million years. That changed when DNA was discovered and they realised it was impossible. It is now somewhere near 4.7 billion years. You can see evolution evolving. Moses tells us that God made everything after its kind. that is cat horse dog, you can evolve a poodle out of a wolf but not a wolf out of a poodle "too much information lost" but it it still a dog a cat horse fish. Can you prove otherwise?

1 point

Sorry but your not taking your theory back far enough and you are making statements that cannot be proven. Please start with absolutely nothing. No space, No materials. no gravity. Even a vacuum is something. The universe is material and materials have a beginning and end. 0 =0 = 0 IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PRODUCE ANYTHING FROM NOTHING WITHOUT A MIRACLE. The day the quantum theory that you can is proven, that person that proves it will become almighty and god. If you give it enough thought there can never be a beginning or end. We made amazing discoveries in the last century about things unseen that man had never discovered before. What is the problem in considering God when after 150 years of research world wide into evolution it is still an unproven theory although very cleverly put together. God is Spirit and not material, does not need a beginning and end, The universe and creation is put together much more cleverly complex and interdependent than our small minds will ever comprehend. There are so many things starring us in the face we cannot fathom. There are too many creatures with irreducible complexity to imagine it happened by chance. Even the simplest cell has enough information to plan manufacture and fly a Jumbo jet. Try explaining something easy like a butterfly in evolutionary terms. "How did it happen step by step"? an egg caterpillar a mush in a chrysalis into a beautiful butterfly. There are millions of examples of the amazing power of an Almighty God. I will continue at another time. Please don't be so over wise not to consider God.

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