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1 point

What I get from this question from the times I been looking at people’s answers. Everyone and I mean everyone that says Humans are Not Animals say it’s because “Of a God” which God doesn’t exist. If you actually take the time to really think if a god was to exist what is the point of him or her to exist at all? We know for a fact that Chimpanzees are a relative to us and are in our image at a low evolutionary state. If a god wanted us to exist and to be in his image. How would he be a shape if he’s not in a physical form? If he would to exist he would be literally everything because you can’t build something out of nothing. How the universe started is beyond anything we could comprehend in our brains. And another thing about brains. If God made it so we’re in his image and gave us the ability to hunt “animals” like us why would God give them brains like us and a ability to feel hurt or any feeling and not just be a bot like you see in video games because a "God" could of done that. Why would God make apes in our image? Is he sick of us? How can you even call him a him or she? If God wasn’t a living thing it wouldn’t have the properties of a male or female like every living thing on our planet or even anything that existed or is to exist. All life is a stream of the mind that is in a physical realm. Life probably shouldn’t exist. But if it’s possible for life to be possible then almost anything is possible. 3rd. If God was to impossibly know all of knowledge he wouldn’t be possible. Because of what we found out that is that time has no end and no start, because if you count back or forward from Zero and never stop and no matter how much you go back it’s literally impossible to not add a zero. So if God was to know everything it wouldn’t happen because even God wouldn’t let God to reach the end. Because there is no End. And no matter what that wouldn’t change, not even a God can change that without destroying itself. You can always learn something because as time goes into eternity something will always change and will always have a reason gaining more knowledge in the universe or where ever the fuck we are. We might even not exist but through a stream of the mind that can see past the Past, Present, Future the Spiritual and the Unreal.

1 point

What I get from this question from the times I been looking at people’s answers. Everyone and I mean everyone that says Humans are Not Animals say it’s because “Of a God” which God doesn’t exist. If actually take the time to really think if a god was to exist what is the point of him or her to exist at all? We know for a fact that Chimpanzees are a relative to us and are in our image at a low evolutionary state. If a god wanted us to exist and to be in his image. How would he be a shape if he’s not in a physical form? If he would to exist he would be literally everything because you can’t build something out of nothing. How the universe started is beyond anything we could comprehend in our brains. And another thing about brains. If God made it so we’re in his image and gave us the ability to hunt “animals” like us why would God give them brains like us and a ability to feel hurt or any feeling and not just be a bot like you see in video games because a "God" could of done that. Why would God make apes in our image? Is he sick of us? How can you even call him a him or she? If God wasn’t a living thing it wouldn’t have the properties of a male or female like every living thing on our planet or even anything that existed or is to exist. All life is a stream of the mind that is in a physical realm. Life probably shouldn’t exist. But if it’s possible for life to be possible then almost anything is possible. 3rd. If God was to impossibly know all of knowledge he wouldn’t be possible. Because of what we found out that is that time has no end and no start, because if you count back or forward from Zero and never stop and no matter how much you go back it’s literally impossible to not add a zero. So if God was to know everything it wouldn’t happen because even God wouldn’t let God to reach the end. Because there is no End. And no matter what that wouldn’t change, not even a God can change that without destroying itself. You can always learn something because as time goes into eternity something will always change and will always have a reason gaining more knowledge in the universe or where ever the fuck we are. We might even not exist but through a stream of the mind that can see past the Past, Present, Future the Spiritual and the Unreal.

ADemonsPost(5) Clarified
1 point

1st of all if that was true why would a god give them emotional abilities like a brain. In your statement if it was true God wouldn't give them a ability to feel pain or any emotion. Which if a god would exist I would think it wouldn't be evil to something it created and clearly doesn't exist just by statement alone and millions of other reasons. If you reply I'll gladly give you the highest limit to what you can say and fit into this tiny text box. Lmfao open your eyes to reality. Anything that helps a a side of evil is evil. like torturing something that clearly has feeling. What a bunch of God bullshit.

1 point

Alright I'm sorry but there is a truth to this. There is over 6 million gods worshipped by all different kinds of religions and countries. plus all things children believe in which could make 1 billion other gods that could be believed in. Some think there's only one God and others think theirs many. 1st off if their was multiple gods it would end in war because the definition of a god is to have supernatural powers of Creation.. And Destruction Two forces that are apart of what people or any possible living thing does a day. And if someone would to be a god of destruction that's all that God would know and would destroy anything that was created so the creator would eventually would lose what he created. Which is confused for life and death which makes no sense because of a spiritual realm that many believe which would go against a religion like Hindi, or something in that area that believes in reincarnation. In that case if there was a god or gods why would they give us a different thing to believe in. Most would say because of language but guess what, we weren't born with language. We made language. So if god was the creator of everything that we see today and could see how could he tell us possibly the truth if he never knew how we communicate. And if so why us? There's thousands of species on this planet plus those we haven't discovered, yet the whole universe and everything beyond the universe. All we are, are animals just more advanced with communication and thumbs that's all we have. Plus in his image? That makes no sense because if he created everything but was not in a physical realm he would be air. He wouldn't have any shape. 2nd of all if we were ment to kill and eat animals for survival why would he or they give animals the ability to suffer, in their world a god would be evil because it's inferior. And if you would look at it in another species eyes like a chimp. Like something like us. What if they were chosen and we weren't but we would still have our knowledge. We'd be just like the animals and ment to be hunted and slaughtered for the superiors joy. That would make a god In your eyes evil and wouldn't bring any good. Which makes it valid that physically And mentally It Don't Make Any Sense Whatsoever Why A God would Exist. Because no matter what and no matter how perfect. What ever choice is like controlling a game Russian Roulette but knowing who's gonna die. Because no matter the choice someone's getting hurt and that's not what you want to believe but a god cannot possibly make a perfect decision without making someone hurt. Because evil or not a god shouldn't give what has been created to destruction because that's what in people believe is hell. And to one who feeds which is evil Is evil. making what everyone believes is a false statement and will never be proven. One more thing about spiritual. If those who would be given away by a god to destruction how in any possible situation would a fucking soul get stuck in our plain of existences after a choice of a god that supposably the creators of the universe that are both in favor of something? They wouldn't let it slip away. Lol all we are, are a connection to the mind that is captured in a physical realm. And that's all we can get physically get from.

1 point

Is this a joke??? If there are seriously still some people out there who believe it's still flat? If your one of them your inferior to our historical timeline at this point and should go back to the Middle Ages 😂😂😂😂. There's fucking photo evidence plus the other planets show it being circlular. Plus when In a aircraft you can see the curvature of the earth? Lol dumb degenerates! 😂 If you still disagree with me than reply 😈

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