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Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Churches in themselves are infact beautiful but look at the world as a whole. what has religion done to us as humans? poeple kill over religion, rape over religion, people have gone over board because they believe in what you clearly just said was a myth. i think without religion a lot more people would be safe

1 point

voting up your argument wasn't enough so i felt i had to say you are totally right!! finally someone who makes sense in this whole thing!

1 point

you said they had interesting answers one was only to assume you knew them and weren't blindly talking out your ass

1 point

then answer them..this is a debate dont tell me they have interesting answers show me...prove me wrong

1 point

um....everything i said is a quick recap of exactly what the first argument is for the conspiracy your research get back to me when you can

1 point

Okay so anyone who starts their debate argument with "WOW DUMBASS" most likely doesn't know how to debate properly. Fear not i shall bring myself down to your level to make this easier for you. As a women you would know that ovulation is for about 2-3 out of a month, 80% of fertilized eggs still dont make it and it is what we call menstruation. The chances of a women getting pregnant from unprotected sex is about 11% (go to your nearest plan parent hood they will tell you!) 7% percent of most abortions is related to rape. that means that more than half of women who get abortions just arent ready to be parents. But isnt it weird that they were ready to have sex unprotected. I refuse to pay taxes because someone didnt pull out...wrap it up keep it moving. women who get raped should report it and to the women who dont I truly understand why they are afraid to..i truly do..but there are things to take like plan B.

1 point

with fear is power. put fear into Americans let them believe we are truly under attack get what we need from our country and theirs and everyone is on board because fear moved them!

1 point

first off I want to say your argument is really funny, and not in a "im laughing at you way" but just you're right our government is just shit basically! However i disagree because of a few facts.

1) Several Countries for months sent warning saying Al Queda was planning an attack

2) With the hit on the Pentagon they said "bodies were found" but not airplane parts. their reasoning: the jet fuel melted the metal

3) The largest piece of anything not from the building was a half of a dialing pad from a phone everything else was melted EXCEPT luckily a terrorist's passport

4)the buildings were made PURPOSELY to withstand a hit from a 747 with out falling. they made it that way because of its height

5)bombs went off before the plane hit

6) the building fell in a pancake fashion which is known by anyone who deals with construction is how most construction workers deal with demolition.

7) Tower 3 was never hit but 3 hours later fell

8) the plane that hit in the field is the only plane crash that has ever made an imprint like that

9) luggage and debris from the Penn Plane crash was found 6 miles away from the crash

10) scientifically, for the towers to fall for the reason the government said the beams holding up the building would still be standing even after

11) the only way for the towers to free fall the way they did were for the beams to be cut at an angle which ruble shows what was left they were

12) the only way to cut through those beams is with a certain temp. not even jet fuel could reach.

13) after the plane hit the pentagon officials ran to pick up pieces and they covered the lawn with gravel seizes all forensic investigations

14) all cameras showing when the plane hit were confiscated

15) no one will release a final report on any of the attacks

16)the Bush administration was having breakfast with Bin laden's brother the morning of 9/11

nothing adds up

2 points

Saying two people can't be married because YOUR God forbids it is like saying all of America cant eat donuts because YOU'RE on a diet. Church and State here in this country are separate. Which means religion does not govern this country. My God says Gays can be married and heterosexuals can not. Does that mean all heterosexuals can not marry because my God said so? No it does not. So to say Gays can't marry because YOUR God said so are you now stating that your religion is more superior to mine? You see this is the exact reason why religion can not govern people and DOES NOT govern people in this country, because we all have different religions. To say no to anything because the bible said so would mean we as a country have to find which religion is the "right" one and we would all have to agree. No religion can be wrong because no religion is right.

2 points

America is a melting pot of many different types of cultures, religions and upbringings. However since the beginning our country we have catered to one type of person, white male Christians. In a country where people are from all over the world America has, over time, become understanding of the many races that seek life here and has "changed" laws to make everyone equal. "The Land of Opportunity" is promised to give everyone a fair chance. We even went as far as separating our church and state. So if religion does not govern what laws are in effect then why on earth is it illegal for gay couples to marry in most U.S states? We can not tell people what to do unless it is putting other lives in danger, and as far as I'm concerned the gay community isn't murdering people as part of their marriage ceremony. People say that is it against God and the sanctity of marriage is at stake. But spouses cheat, abuse one another, they lie and divorce, which is all against marriage. And the argument that it is against God can not be used because we as Americans are not governed my one religion, or ANY religion for that matter.

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Aaliyah Henry
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Religion: Atheist
Education: In College

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