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RSS AangKorra

Reward Points:25
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point


It breaks my heart to see that a good portion of people think that a person is a sinner just because of THE WAY THEY WERE BORN.

What did a gay man/woman do wrong? Nothing--they were both the way they are.

1 point

I see your point, and you're right. Choices are indeed natural for humans, and I didn't mean to say that they aren't--I just worded it a little weird. I'll change it.


1 point

I think you're confused about the question.

The question you're answering is "Is homosexual sex a choice?" The answer is yes (unless you're raped, of course).

The question you're supposed to answer is "Is homosexuality a choice?" The answer to that question is no.

You choose to have sex with someone. You do NOT choose to be attracted to someone--you just are. Sex and sexuality are different.

1 point

Homosexuality comes from both birth AND science. A gay person is born gay. A bi person is born bi. There is no choice that comes with that.

Also, if you're going to ask us what our scientific proof is that homosexuality is a choice, then we get to do the same to you: what is YOUR scientific proof that HETEROsexuality is a choice??? Huh? See--it's an unanswerable question. The only possible answer that MAY work is that the proof is US. WE did not make the choice of sexuality.

So answer the question: when did you make the "CHOICE" to be heterosexual? Because if homosexuality is a choice, then so should heterosexuality.

1 point


If you're a straight person, I'd like to ask you about when you "decided" to be straight. You can't answer that question, can you?? See, there's no decision to be made! LGBTs are born the way they are. Like race or gender, sexuality is a naturally occurring thing. It's not like people wake up one day and say, "I'm gonna be gay from now on!"

If you think otherwise, you're VERY misinformed.

2 points

GAY MARRIAGE IS JUST LIKE ANY OTHER MARRIAGE. Love is love, people! I'm ashamed to say that there is a good amount of people who think that something is wrong with homosexual, bisexual, asexual, etc. individuals. Why can't people realize that maybe sexuality is God's way of trying to reduce the world population (which is frighteningly growing by the year). A LONG TIME ago, people's view of same-sex relations was that anybody who has any romantic or sexual relation with an individual of the same gender has committed a crime. They didn't know any better! I'm not saying that the bible isn't holy and righteous or whatever. I'm just saying that what did these people know?

Love. Is. Love.

Displaying 4 most recent debates.

Winning Position: The Crab
Winning Position: No, homosexuality is not a sin
Winning Position: No, it's not.
Winning Position: Gay marriage is perfectly fine

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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