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RSS AbbyPiper

Reward Points:13
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Mongols were only Brutal if the enemy refused to surrender. If they chose to surrender they could have avoided the violence.

1 point

Mongols had pagan beliefs but the empire included Islam, Buddhism, and Confucius's beliefs.

1 point

Qutuz, Mamluk sultan of Egypt- The Mongols were so ruthless that even with fewer people in an army it was still hard to defeat them.

1 point

Qutuz, Mamluk sultan of Egypt- The Mongols fought against an army of previously slaved people (mamluk army) in order to gain territory.

1 point

Qutuz, Mamluk sultan of Egypt- the Mongols had Baybars which were slaves sold to Egypt

3 points

They had very harsh rules that if broken had a death penalty (if someone in front drops something and you don't pick it up you die)

2 points

They would slaughter whole cities if they refused to surrender. They were ruthless.

3 points

They had laws and created international law (abolished torture)

6 points

They didn’t want many Chinese people to get high-ranking jobs and didn’t allow the Chinese to learn the Mongol language. Believed they were above the Chinese people

1 point

They had freedom of religion due to conquering many different places with many different religions they accepted all religions

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