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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

i watched that movie too

i think both of meaning mixed up

humans make the earth sick so that we wont live on the earth anymore

from the movie ice storm came only the part of top on the earth

but i guess it is going to be whole earth so that people won't live anymore

anyways every single human will die pretty soon

1 point

It should be illegal, but it wont... No shit we'd be going through the roof. Did you know that the people in middle east do torturer us? Did you know they behead us? Did you know they shoot us in the head execution style? There are many things they do to us. We could do way worse things then "Waterboarding".

1 point

Well... You could be right. The temperature has been going up a bit in the past years. If you read one of my first posts you will see the temperature change. It could be both human and natural reasons that are making global warming. There could be many reasons we don't know. We are for sure that it is getting warming.

1 point

I would pick Jerry because he does have a point about that it is a hoax. Right now we're going through a climate change. The media just wants to make it seem like it's a HUGE problem.

5 points

It doesn't matter if you are Atheist. I'm atheist and I'm loyal and patriotic to America. What does religion have to do with being a loyal American?

1 point

The earthquakes in Haiti and Chile aren't strange.The Haiti earthquake was caused by the "release of seismic stresses that had built up around two tectonic plates." Also, Since Haiti is very close to the boundary where the Caribbean and North American plates meet the fault lines linked to the plates movements run right through the country. It was bound to happen.Can you please give more info about the polar bears how there going to have to live in zoo's because of global warming? Global warming might not be fake, but is it really affecting us?

1 point

I'm not on the side if it's real or not, but here are somethings on that it is a hoax.

Watch these videos on this website:

1 point

Nope, I understand you were being "sarcastic", but the first part in the world-wide conspiracy part I thought you were being serious. Therefore I asked for proof.

1 point

First, I'm not on either side if it's fake or real. I'm just asking other people what they think. Yes, polar bears are running out of ice. Here is some evidence.

"The best-studied population, in Canada's western Hudson Bay, fell by 22% from 1194 animals in 1987 to 935 in 2004." - US Fish and Wildlife Service

"(1850-1870) Global temperature is about 13.6°C.

(2009) Global temperature is 14.5°C, the warmest in hundreds, perhaps thousands of years." - copyright© 2003-2009 Spencer Weart & American Institute of Physics

1 point

If it is such a "Giant world-wide conspiracy" can you please show me proof.

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